This theory is very significant to nursing practice and can be applicable to all fields of nursing. This paper will briefly elaborate Watson's Theory of Human Caring and elucidate itsstrengths and weakness in the acute care setting.Nneka Okoye...
Jean Watson(June 10, 1940 – present) is an American nurse theorist and nursing professor known for her“Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring.”She has also written numerous texts, including Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring. Watson’s study on caring has been integrated into...
TheoryofHumanCaring TenCarativeFactors TenCaritas Processes Treatpatient holistically(Mind, Body,Spirit) “Transpersonalcaring relationshipsarethe foundationofthework” (Watson,2010) Caringmoments:If transpersonalconnectionis spiritual. Firstbook,Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caringwaswrittenin1979.Sec...
TheoryofJeanWatsonhumancare 主要内容 •理论家简介•理论来源•理论的基本内容•理论的应用•理论的分析与评判 理论家简介 •华生(JeanWatson)出生于1940年•1964年获得科罗拉多州波德市的科罗拉多 大学护理学士学位•1966年获得科罗拉多州丹佛市的科罗拉多 大学的精神心理卫生护理硕士学位•1973年获得科罗拉多...
theory of human care Watson essentially believes that nursing is an intersubjective human process and places a high value on the caring relationship between the nurse and the recipient of care Before proceeding with the intended study, the following analysis and evaluation of Watson's theory presented...
Interbeing and mindfulness a bridge to understanding Jean Watson's theory of human caring This article proposes using Thich Naht Hanh's concept of interbeing and the practice of mindfulness as a bridge to understanding Jean Watson's theory of hu... KL Sitzman - 《Nursing & Health Care ...
关键词:护理人员; watson关怀理论; 人文关怀; 工作满意度; 离职率中图分类号:R47;R192.6 文献标识码:A DoI:10.3870/j.issn.1001 4152.2017.06.004j誊ⅥCarin窖for nu体髑b嬲ed on Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Ln,29 Ho,2酊“口理, D“ya行zi挖g. DPpnr£me九f o,N“,si规g,。IkngdM...
Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring. The author and a volunteer used a particular format designed by Lee Glickstein called "Laughing Spirit Listening Circles" to apply Watson's theory with six elderly women weekly over a four-week period. The main goals the volunteers had in creating this ...
「关怀」一直以来被认为是护理的本质及一种无形的存在,是护理的核心与精髓,Watson於1975-1979年发展出涵盖十个照护因素的「人性化关怀照护理论」(human caring theory)之大范围理论(grand theory),Swanson则於1991年提出涵盖五个照护过程的「关怀照护理论」(caring theory)之中范围理论(middle range theory),虽然师...
Jean Watson Caring nursing profession‚ nursing care is aimed at caring for the needs of a machine rather than considering the needs of the patient attached to the machine. According toJeanWatson’s Theory of Human Care‚ “Nursing is concerned with promoting health‚ preventin...