Clark CS. Watson's Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal and Humanities Concepts for Educators. Humanities 2016;5(2):21.Clark CS. Watson's human caring theory: pertinent transpersonal and humanities concepts for educators. Humanities [Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Jan 02];5(21):1-12. ...
TheoryofHumanCaring TenCarativeFactors TenCaritas Processes Treatpatient holistically(Mind, Body,Spirit) “Transpersonalcaring relationshipsarethe foundationofthework” (Watson,2010) Caringmoments:If transpersonalconnectionis spiritual. Firstbook,Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caringwaswrittenin1979.Sec...
Jean Watson(June 10, 1940 – present) is an American nurse theorist and nursing professor known for her“Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring.”She has also written numerous texts, including Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring. Watson’s study on caring has been integrated into...
TheoryofJeanWatsonhumancare 主要内容 •理论家简介•理论来源•理论的基本内容•理论的应用•理论的分析与评判 理论家简介 •华生(JeanWatson)出生于1940年•1964年获得科罗拉多州波德市的科罗拉多 大学护理学士学位•1966年获得科罗拉多州丹佛市的科罗拉多 大学的精神心理卫生护理硕士学位•1973年获得科罗拉多...
因此 ,本文旨在經由Watson 人性化 關懷照護理論與Swanson 關懷照護理論之簡介 , human 運用文獻查證與整合的方式進一步比較分析此二 caring theory Watson, 2007a 理論 ,對於此二理論之國內外應用情形亦有所著 Watson 墨。希望藉由相關論述與比較分析 ,讓我們更明 Swanson 1991 瞭「關懷」的真諦 ,提供健康專業...
「关怀」一直以来被认为是护理的本质及一种无形的存在,是护理的核心与精髓,Watson於1975-1979年发展出涵盖十个照护因素的「人性化关怀照护理论」(human caring theory)之大范围理论(grand theory),Swanson则於1991年提出涵盖五个照护过程的「关怀照护理论」(caring theory)之中范围理论(middle range theory),虽然师...
Caring Science, Mindful Practice: Implementing Watson's Human Caring Theory (2014) International Journal for Human CaringRobinson-Smith, Gale
theory of human care Watson essentially believes that nursing is an intersubjective human process and places a high value on the caring relationship between the nurse and the recipient of care Before proceeding with the intended study, the following analysis and evaluation of Watson's theory presented...
Caring science, mindful practice: Implementing Watson's human caring theory, is a welcome addition to the growing pool of literature on human caring. It is of significance to all persons interested in, and concerned with, human caring or caritas practice. Theorists, researchers and clinical ...
Watson's Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal and Humanities Concepts for Educators Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring and the caring moment are based in part in the concepts of transpersonal psychology. This paper will provide a historical background around transpersonal psychology and how ...