期刊网址如下: http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/watershed-ecology-and-the-environment/
Watershed Ecology and the Environment (WEE) is a multidisciplinary journal publishing original research papers, reviews, and short communications, which improve our knowledge of shifts and adaptations of resources, biodiversity, ecological functions, hydrological and environmental changes under … View full ...
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Watershed Ecology and the Environment (WEE) is a multidisciplinary journal publishing original research papers, reviews, and short communications,...
内容提示: Watershed ecology and the environmentEditorial comment from EIC, Dr. Shen YU.“Why do we need a new journal?” when I suggested to establish ajournal on watershed ecology and the environment to Chinese and for-eigncollaboratorsafterthesecondinternationalworkshoponurbaniza-tion in water...
Watershed Ecology and the Environment held its first editorial board meeting in Xiamen, China, in 3rd November. Chaired by the journal's Editor-in-Chief, Shen Yu, the editorial board discussed the paper soliciting and advertisement of the new open access journal. We're excited to see ...
Energy, Ecology and Environment Aims and scope Submit manuscript R. U. Olivares, A. D. M. Bulos & E. Z. Sombrito 18k Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Analysis of soil redistribution patterns in watershed areas provides information for understanding soil erosion and deposition for ...
EnvironmentandEcologyintheThreeGorges Vo1.34 No.3(Sum.No.198) May.2012 三峡库区梁滩河流域水质污染状况研究 郑学琴,李 杨,吴林键,朱 笛,李 怡 (1.重庆交通大学河海学院,重庆400074;2.重庆医科大学儿科学院,重庆401331) 摘 要:研究三峡库区梁滩河流域上、中游区域外源和内源对河水水质的污染。结果表明,研...
2.Although the design viewpoint of landscape ecology has not been yet widely applied to the practice of small watershed management,it will inevitably become the main tendency in the small watershed management and planning in the future.景观生态学的设计观点虽然尚未被广泛地推广应用于小流域治理实践,但...
12.Research on Agri-Ecology Economical System of Coupling Process of Zhifanggou Watershed in Loess Hilly Region黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域农业生态经济系统耦合过程研究 13.Contrastive Analysis of Valuation Methods of Ecosystem Services Value--A Case Study of Zhifanggou Watershed in a Hilly and Gully Region of...