Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (Xevo TQ-XS) for the Quantification of Monoclonal Antibody Light Chains in Plasma2019 Characteristics of Proteomics Experiments Performed on the SYNAPT XS QTof Mass Spectrometer2019 Enabling Intelligent Data Capture for Intact Mass Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies and Sub...
Achieve robust MS sensitivity with the Xevo TQ-S micro, a compact tandem (triple) quadrupole mass spectrometer with reliable performance, a wide dynamic range and high data acquisition rates.
(2) Xevo G2 QTof (20) Xevo G2-S QTof (15) Xevo G2-XS QTof Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (56) Xevo G3 QTof (25) Xevo MRT (1) Xevo Qtof MS (16) Xevo TQ Absolute (35) Xevo TQ MS (35) Xevo TQ-GC Mass Spectrometry System (11) Xevo TQ-S (33) Xevo TQ-S ...
A Complete Solution for Gelatin Species Authentication in Routine Analysis Using ProteinWorks™ Auto-eXpress Digest Kit and Xevo™ TQ-XS2022 A Complete Discovery Workflow for Species-Specific Gelatin Identification2022 Workflow to Screen for Potential Allergens in Black Soldier Fly Insect Protein2022 ...
Replacement Ion Block Support O-ring. This O-ring is found in the source assemblies of SQD2, Xevo TQD, Xevo TQ-S, Xevo TQ-S Micro, Xevo TQ-S cronos, Xevo TQ-XS, Xevo TQ Absolute, Xevo G2-XS, Vion, SYNAPT G2-Si, SYNAPT XS, Select Series Cyclic IMS & MRT.
Expand analytes per injection and extend your validated concentration range in triple quadrupole mass spectrometry applications with the Xevo TQ-S cronos, ideal for your quantitation workflows.
Quantitate challenging compounds and make fast, confident decisions with our smallest, most sensitive tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer, the Xevo TQ Absolute.