为了说明这种影响,我们 将橙提取物中黄酮类化合物的分离方法从ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS (四元)系统转换至 Alliance™ HPLC (四元)系统。方法转换之后,保留时间差异非常明显(图3)。在该分离中, UPLC (图3A)与HPLC (图3B)的保留时间差约为1 min。整个梯度都存在延迟,并且这种延迟 还影响了梯度结束时间以及...
ACQUITY Xevo TQD UPLC/MS systems The Waters Xevo TQD is compatible with the following ACQUITY UPLC® systems: • ACQUITY UPLC • ACQUITY UPLC H-Class • ACQUITY UPLC I-Class • nanoACQUITY UPLC® (with Nanoflow or TRIZAIC source) If you are not using one of these systems, ...
this re- mark: Since a state has the power to require upstream states to comply with its water quality standards, to interpret the statutes to deny that power to the tribes because of some kind of formal view of au- thority or sovereignty would treat the tribes as second-class citi- ...
Upon further acidification with H2SO4to a pH of 1.4 and after heating the solution to 80° C. and holding for a dwell time of 3 h, a reduction yield of 90% is achieved. This solution is fed back through an intermediate container into the Fenton reaction container....
Oasis micro-elution plates, the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System, and an advanced tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer (Xevo TQD) were used for the development of a sensitive method for the quantification of trastuzumab in human serum diges...
(optional on the ACQUITY UPLC system) Column heater Solvent tray Access door to the fluidics valve Removable panel for ACQUITY arm Probe high voltage connector Source interface sliding door 1.2.3 ACQUITY UPLC M-Class system The ACQUITY UPLC M-Class system is designed for nano-scale and micro-...