Xevo G2-XS QTof Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass SpectrometryeXtreme Sensitivity, eXtraordinary Selectivity, eXceptional Solutions For the scientist who needs to identify, quantify and confirm the broadest range of compounds in the most complex and challenging samples. Maximum robus...
The Xevo G2-XS QTof combines sensitivity and selectivity with the mass accuracy, dynamic range and speed provided by QuanTofTM technology and the enhanced quantitative capability of Tof-MRM data acquisition. The end result is class-leading quantitative performance in real e...
With quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry featuring QuanTof technology, the Xevo G2-XS QTof MS delivers the highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information together with the ultimate in quantitative performance.
ItemXevo G2-S QTof Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer CompanyWaters Corporation PriceGet quote TypeUPLC/MS/MS Regulatory ComplianceInquire Pharmaceutical ApplicationSystems biology research, biopharmaceutical characterization, metabolite ...
Waters Xevo G2 QTof Mass SpectrometerIan MichaelSpectroscopy Europe
2:41 Xevo QTof MS launch video 3:06 SYNAPT G2-Si Mass Spectrometer 5:49 SYNAPT G2-Si Mass Spectrometer: Benefits of Ion Mobility Separations 3:34 SYNAPT XS | LockSpray II Maintenance 5:49 Waters Triwave Ion Mobility - See More Than You Ever Thought Possible 3:10 SYNAPT G2-S...
The DESI source option is supported on Xevo G2-XS, Xevo G3, SYNAPT G2-Si, Synapt XS and Xevo TQ Absolute Xevo G2-S and SYNAPT G2-S do not support the DESI source. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ensure that you have the latest version of MassLynx for your mass spectrometer for the most...
Xevo G2-XS 所有安装了 ACQUITY LC 的系统 步骤 将泵手动控制开关(即 Xevo 背面的底部中心位置两个切换开关中的上面一个)翻转到向下位置。您需要将开关拉出才能对其进行更改。然后,您应该能在 Tune 页面看到通知,显示泵手动控制处于激活状态。 退出MassLynx 软件(关闭 Tune 页面、液相方法编辑器、控制台,然后关闭...
Synapt G2-Si Synapt XS Synapt HDMS QToF Prem Xevo TQ MS Xevo TQ-S Xevo TQ-XS 原因 EPC 通讯丢失 解决方法 确认主机 PC 到仪器的所有网络硬件都已正确连接且已接通电源 直接用交叉电缆连接主机 PC 与 EPC,不使用任何 LC 或网络硬件。 退出MassLynx 并重新启动计算机或在...
(115) QTof Micro (1) QTof Premier (13) Quality Control Reference Materials (8) QuanRecovery Plates (2) Quattro LC TQ MS (2) Quattro Premier XE Tandem Mass Spectrometer (16) Quattro Ultima Mass Spectrometer (11) Quattro micro API Tandem Quadrupole (11) Quattro micro GC (4) Quattro micro...