For this recipe, you won't need a real watermelon. You'll only need jello that tastes like watermelon. You'll also need chocolate drops, sugar, cream cheese, icing, disposable cups, and popsicle sticks. Once you make your jello by following the instructions on the packet, you should fil...
西瓜蛋糕(Watermelon Cake) 1 准备一个西瓜,大小随意。 2 西瓜切开两头,取中间一部分,削去外皮,整形成蛋糕坯子样。 3 动物奶油加砂糖打发,可以根据自己喜欢添加色素。 4 用白奶油将西瓜包围,想做蛋糕一样。 5 根据自己的创意来装饰西瓜蛋糕,然后放入冰箱冷藏20分钟就可以切开了! 小窍门 1.奶油在制作的过程中可...
西瓜蛋糕(Watermelon Cake) 没有西瓜的夏天还叫夏天吗? 西瓜就是夏天的Queen! 注定了要光彩夺目,吸人眼球。 可是, 西瓜都快要被玩坏了咩~~ 那……不介意的话我们就再多玩玩吧! 西瓜:人家~~不要咩~~ 这可由不得你~~(桀桀桀桀~~) 一款西瓜蛋糕, 蛋糕的外表下,有着西瓜的惊喜。 只有当切开的时候, 惊...
Your next step is to “frost” the cake with the “icing.” Now, a traditional buttercream icing would not go well with a watermelon cake… way too heavy and sweet! The fruit is sweet enough, darlin’! For my watermelon cake recipe, I useCool Whip whipped topping. Go ahead and use...
蛋糕的外表下,有着西瓜的惊喜。 只有当切开的时候, 惊喜才会突然的跳出来哦! 快带着这样一份惊喜, 去找你的小伙伴一起享受夏天吧! 材料: 西瓜,动物奶油,砂糖。 不是必须*:食用色素,蓝莓,太妃糖屑。 1. 准备好西瓜。 2. 取中间部分,削去外皮,整形成蛋糕坯状。
(5分) ( A )1. watermelon A. grape B. cake C. elephant ( B )2. in A. toy B. on C. pear ( B )3. thin A. sister B. fat C. fruit (C )4. apple ( A. duck B. chair C. banana ( A )5. chair A. desk B. under C. map ...
Layers of watermelon-flavored cake are studded with mini chocolate chips, and the outside is painted to look just like a watermelon. It’s fun, it’s unexpected, and it’s really delicious—what more could you ask for? Want to save this recipe? Get this sent right to your inbox, ...
西瓜树莓蛋糕 Watermelon Raspberry Cake 西瓜的清洌甘爽 是专属于夏日的浪漫 一口细腻香甜 一秒丝滑入夏 唤醒初夏的清新味蕾 感受有温度的烘焙魔法 - 博洛高BOROGOM微蒸烤一体机 一键奢享味蕾奇遇 锁住食材水分 使烘焙尽在掌握中 焙烤出完美外观及馥郁口感
If there's a classic summer fruit, it's watermelon. But watermelon is good for more than eating straight. Here are our favorite watermelon recipes.