University transfer student Equivalent prerequisite courses (see program requirements) are required for the program(s) you're applying to. An overall university average of C (65%), and good standing; some programs require a higher average or additonal background. Transfer credits, if applicable, w...
如果是念coursework的话,不要说12个月,就是8个月(两个学期)完成都有可能的,前提是题主要有这个能力。 我上次实习时大部分同事都是本地或本校(滑铁卢)毕业的Master/PhD,他们告诉我说coursework的话最常见是3到4个学期完成,而thesis和research的话一般需要两年左右。安省是有硕士提名的移民项目的,所以毕业以后直接...
The application deadline is Feb. 1st. A few words about University of Waterloo. It is well known for its engineering, as well as computer science and math. Its engineering school ranked #27 this year by QS world university ranking. It is considered as the most innovative Canadian university...