For newly planted grass seed, keep the top inch of the soil moist, but not soggy. Monitor and water regularly until the grass is 3 inches high, then water on your regular cycle. When mowing, take wide, slow turns to prevent the mower’s wheels from tearing up the new lawn....
3. Don't Forget Your Lawn: Lawn grasses are prone to winter damage, especially newly planted sod and seeded lawns. To help protect plant roots, do not mow your lawn shorter than 4" before winter. Pay particular attention to turf on southern exposures. Ornamental grasses provide interest in...
This works for house plants, outdoor planters and the garden. Let me give you a simple example. Newly planted trees should be keep moist all of the time for at least a year. I usually plant in fall, in clay soil, so my soil tends to hold water quite well. I also mulch with about...
Too much—or too little—water can cause your lawn to die. Here’s the best time to water grass, according to a pro.
“Oscillating is good for new grass and for recently sown grass seed. The water is not too strong to push the seed, and the water stream is softer when it lands,” Maurer says. For newly planted grass seed, keep the top inch of the soil moist, but not soggy. Monitor and water regul...