Catherine Street Medical is a Family Medical Practice in Waterford including Dr. Tony Lee Jnr., Dr. Áine Hennigan, Dr. Sarah O'Brien, Nurse Deirdre McCann and Nurse Marian Mulcahy.
hospital is a national cancer centre. All breast, prostate, colorectal, lung, head & neck and skin cancer work for the South East region occurs in the hospital. Adult and Paediatric imaging is provided across a wide range of specialties. The department provides a 24hr, seven day week ...
24小时前台 7.8位置不错 33 Loganlea Road,Waterford West, 布里斯班南郊, 布里斯班, 昆士兰, 澳大利亚, 4133 停车服务免费 龙柏树熊野生动物园24 km南岸公园26.02 km市植物园26.18 km 查看附近 查看地图 有用信息 性价比7.2 距市中心1 km 位置评分7.8