方法/步骤 1 下图是我们要制作瀑布图的源数据,包括资金使用前后的金额,及每笔费用的支出明细。2 我们建立辅助列(2列),标题名称为"开始"、"结束"。在"开始"标题下的第1个单元格输入0,"结束"标题下的第1个单元格输入"=B2+C2"(结果为666)。3 在"开始"标题下的第2个单元格输入"=D2",然后向下填充...
pie, bar, radar, etc. In this article we will go above and beyond creating basic graphs and have a closer look at a special chart type - theWaterfall chartin Excel. You will find out what a waterfall chart is and how helpful it can be. You will know the secret of creating a waterf...
In Excel 2016, Microsoft finally added a Waterfall chart[1]option. It’s a great way to visually show the effect of positive and negative cash flows on a cumulative basis. If you’re working in Excel 2013 or earlier version, please follow the instructions below as a workaround to build ...
Excel 2010 方法/步骤 1 首先,准备好手中的数据。EBIT表示各项目对应的息税前利润,Assist Column 1代表上一项目的EBIT的值,即基础值(E5=D4,E6=D5...),Assist Column 2代表D列减E列的减值,即Delta值(D4-E4,D5-E5);2 选中Assist Column 1与Assist Column 2,插入>柱形图>堆积柱形图;3 添加横...
How to Create a Waterfall Chart in Excel 2016+ First, let me show you a solution for those seeking the path of least resistance. By using the built-in, ready-made template—provided you use Excel 2016 or 2019—it shouldn’t take you more than a few simple steps to set up a waterfal...
在Excel中,我们可以通过使用WaterfallChart功能来进行瀑布图分析,本文将详细介绍如何在Excel中使用WaterfallChart进行瀑布图分析。 步骤一:准备数据 首先,我们需要准备好待分析的数据。瀑布图通常用于展示不同因素对总体结果的影响,因此,我们需要列出各个因素以及它们对结果的影响数值。同时,我们还需要包括每个因素的开始值和...
The default waterfall chart feature in Excel 2016 and later versions can be used to create a waterfall chart with just one series. However, it is possible to make a waterfall chart that incorporates multiple series by utilizing the stacked column chart feature across all Excel versions. What Is...
Effortlessly highlight, filter, and sort data with Copilot in Excel We're giving you a free trial of Copilot Pro.Activate nowA waterfall chart shows a running total as values are added or subtracted. It's useful for understanding how an initial value (for example, net income) is affected...
There is more than one way to create a waterfall chart in Excel. The first approach described below is to create a stacked column chart with up and down columns showing changes and transparent columns that help the visible columns to float at the appropriate level. Under some circumstances, th...
商业环境中经常不需要自己制作这类较为复杂的excel图表,取而代之利用一些现成的自动化工具如Think Cell便可轻松解决Waterfall, Football Field类图表的费时操作。但并不能保证今后每个工作环境都会提供类似的便利,所以掌握根本的制作方法还是有价值地。 Waterfall的本质是Stacked Column Chart, 显示悬浮的条,也就是stack...