Watercolor by Tevfik Ozan. Tevfik Özan. Instagram: tevfikozan_art | YouTube: TevfikOzanArt | Patreon: TevfikOzan. Suluboya, Suluboya Atölyesi, watercolor classes near me
Classes Blog Exhibitions Contacts ItalianoWatercolor ArtSabineBlomqvist Painting in TuscanyA sudden sunray, the fragrance of the vegetation and the rolling hills of the beautiful Chianti countryside where I live, near Florence in Tuscany, Italy, provide me with continuous inspiration. I enjoy changing ...
she sees their beauty. Shor breathes life into the worn city elements and transforms old dilapidated gates and walls. “This particular turquoise gate I painted a few times; it changes colors.” As for her method of working, she generally starts by painting on the spot, “but I take...