1) water-filling algorithm 注水算法 1. In this paper,awater-filling algorithmis proposed to dynamically allocate transmit power,and modulate at different level M-QAM is adopted to allocate adaptively. 本文提出一种改进注水算法,在OFDM系统子信道上动态的分配数据,并采用不同M值的M-QAM调制,从而达到功率...
Waterfilling algorithm (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28022-waterfilling-algorithm), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: 2025/2/15. MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보 개발 환경: R2007a 모든 릴리스와 호환 플랫폼 호환성 ...
DepartmentWulichDepartmentJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications TechnologiesZiv Golan; Dov Wulich. Modified water-filling algorithm for deliberately clipped OFDM signals. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2012, 24(7),799-808....
3. A water-filling algorithm, an optimization problem and a power allocation strategy are defined in Sect. 4. The effectiveness of proposed approach is showcased by performing a case study in Sect. 5, and the conclusion is presented in Sect. 6....
Waveform design based on Water-Filling algorithmWaveform designClutterWater-fillingWaveform design is an important problem in radar system design. In this paper, water-filling algorithm is used to solve the problem of waveform design based on mutual information. Two cases that no clutter exists and ...
a two-step solution with water-filling algorithm is proposed to solve the optimization problem.Simulation results indicate that,the scheme based on water-filling algorithm can obtain better performance on SER compared with equal allocation scheme.In addition,both the two schemes can obtain the same ...
In this paper, we develop an energy-efficient power allocation algorithm for the parallel channels of an OFDM system. This algorithm provides the optimum solution to a nonlinear fractional program involving an objective function called energy-per-goodbti (EPG). The EPG objective function models the...
4) water-filling algorithm 灌水算法5) filling by siphon 灌水虹吸法 1. A theoretical analysis and technical preparation for giant caisson bottom landing by water ballasting pro-ceeds from the experiment of overhead filling by siphon with non-energy starting using the real data of steel caisson...
filling algorithm is deterministic and requires perfect knowledge of the channel gain to noise ratios. In this paper we consider how to do power allocation over stochastically time-varying (i.i.d.) channels with unknown gain to noise ratio distributions. We adopt an online learning framework ...
Finally, the influence of the pulse shape on the behavior of the MFP and WFP algorithm has been illustrated in Fig. 10. It can be noticed that the pulse shape and the distances between the pulses on TF plane has significant impact on the final power allocation, thus this phenomenon cannot...