The sea surface temperature from ASTER images varies between 26-30 degree C in the first monsoon transition period and demonstrates the same range with in situ data. In summary, the comparative study of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and salinity data indicates that this period had low ...
531 nm with respect to those at 570 nm is related to xanthophyll-related dynamic changes in the NPQ of chlorophyll fluorescence. A consistent relation of PRI with chlorophyll fluorescence parameters under the di- verse conditions could be used for the assessment of vegetation health and photosyntheti...
sitescontainingfloatingmatsoftheweedandatsiteswheretheweedwasabsent.Phytoplankton chlorophyll-aconcentrationanddissolvedoxygenweremeasuredateachstationandusedasproxiesforphytoplanktonproductivity. Thefindingsshowthatphytoplanktonproductivityinweedcoveredareasisreducedwithsignificantchangeinspeciescompositionand biodiversity...
—),女,甘肃临洮人,硕士,主要从事农业生态、农业气象、干旱气象监测与试验等方面的研究。 E-mail : ltzh-h! sOhu.cOm ; hOngzhlt!yahOO.cOm 半干旱雨养区小麦光合作用、蒸腾 作用及水分利用效率特征 赵鸿,杨启国,邓振镛,刘宏谊 (中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730020...
(<1m)mirepoolswhere aquaticweedsflourishwasdeveloped.Adifferentialglobalpositioningsystemreceiverand aglobalpositioningsystemcompasswereusedasnavigationsensors.Theairboatwas designedforautomaticoperation.Usingtheboat,parameterssuchastemperature,pH, dissolvedoxygen,electricalconductivity,turbidityandchlorophyll-aofthewater...
—),女,甘肃临洮人,硕士,主要从事农业生态、农业气象、干旱气象监测与试验等方面的研究。 E-mail : ltzh-h! sOhu.cOm ; hOngzhlt!yahOO.cOm 半干旱雨养区小麦光合作用、蒸腾 作用及水分利用效率特征 赵鸿,杨启国,邓振镛,刘宏谊 (中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730020...
Abbreviations: Alk: Alkalinity; BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand; Chl-A: Chlorophyll-A; COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand; DO: Dissolved Oxygen; EC: Electrical conductivity; SD: Secchi Depth (Transparency); SS: Suspended Solids; TB: Turbidity; TDS: Total Dissolved Solids; TH: Total Hardness; TKN: ...
The two strains were maintained in CSiFF04 medium [16] under continuous illumination of 50 µE/(m2 s) at 25 ◦C with shaking (125 rpm). Cells were subjected to chemical agent mutagenesis followed by the determination of the chlorophyll content. Stationary Mar. Drugs 2017, 15, 151 6 ...
Even at its lowest levels before reaching the full plankton bloom, Chlorophyll-a exceeded 1000 µg/L in most ponds (Figure 9). With the high levels of nitrogen recorded in ponds, ammonia toxicity could be expected. Contrary to expectation, total ammonia nitrogen in the ponds in Ghana ...
The results showed a positive correlation of density of cyanobacteria with pH, chlorophylla, temperature, and nitrate, and an inverse relationship with turbidity, color, and solids in suspension. The researcher highlights that high loads of nitrate and phosphorus, alkaline pH values, high water ...