Regional characterization of the Paskapoo bedrock aquifer system, southern Alberta The Paskapoo Formation of southern Alberta supports more groundwater wells than any other aquifer system in the Canadian Prairies. Located in a region of r... SE Grasby,Z Chen,AP Hamblin,... - 《Canadian Journa...
While data supplied by TGWC list `apparent Q20' it has become the custom in Alberta to refer to the `apparent Q20' simply as Q20, thus creating a false sense of confidence in the value. We should keep in mind that nearly all reported transmissivity and Q20 values in ...
There is only one intensive field study of strontium isotopes in glacial runoff to date, at Robertson Glacier, Alberta, which has carbonate bedrock. The study does show that enhanced weathering of muscovite occurs in subglacial environments, but in this small system, the Sr flux and the ratio ...
(Redwater Alberta or Redwater) might have been a small business, with only 19 generating wells and 90 dormant wells. However, a relatively small oil producer was responsible for a huge Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision. Basically, the SCC decided in the Redwater Acase, that if a ...
Fig. 1. Map showing location of the Qu’Appelle watershed and study sites, Saskatchewan, Canada. Dominate flow direction is noted by arrows along streams. A bifurcation control structure is located at the south end of Last Mountain Lake with flow direction determined by lake and river levels as...
The relationship between drilled groundwater well proximity, well density, and well water supply to residential property indoor air radon levels. Panel (A) Map showing the Canadian province of Alberta, and the location (red dots) of groundwater monitoring wells withing the Alberta Environment and ...
The non-tectonic deformation, either of natural or anthropogenic origin, may influence the earthquake occurrence process and seismicity rate along the plate-boundary or ‘stable’ plate-interiors domains. The low magnitude but moderate seismicity rate of
(1988). Working in the Mannville Group of the oil sands deposits of NE Alberta, they demonstrated that large parts of the succession were dominated by estuarine facies. Several important characteristics reported by Pemberton et al. (1982) are now routinely used as evidence for brackish-water ...
The Urmia Lake Basin has been severely affected by the unbalanced exploitation of water resources. To better manage the use of integrated water resources, the coupled SWAT-MODFLOW-NWT was adopted for the Mahabad Plain in the Urmia Lake Basin, N.W. Iran.
hydraulically conductive fault along with a regional groundwater flow pattern that supports deep groundwater circulation. Hydraulic measurements and temperature data were collected from springs and wells in the area to support the analysis of flow patterns, together with the construction of a basin-...