and use the method of polynomial statistics analysis and calculate with the aid of electronic computer, reveal the internal relations and laws of the evolution and characteristics of the geology phenomenon of water bursting from coal seam floor and build the calculation formula of effective depth of...
At this stage, the calculation involves the provision of funds to other majors, such as the calculation of the volume of the pool, the selection of water pumps, etc., and after the calculation is completed, the proof is given to the proof reader. 4, the first phase of the relevant ...
Part of this formula can remind you of the previous one: a ratio of two temperature differences. The result, VcoldVcold, is the approximate volume that can bring the total amount of water (cold plus hot) to the desired temperature TT. Cooling water by transfer The last method you can us...
The calculation formula of Global Moran’s I is: $$I = \frac{{n\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n} {\mathop w\nolimits_{ij} \left( {x_{i} - \overline{x} } \right)\left( {x_{j} - \overline{x} } \right)} } }}{{\left( {\sum\limits_{i = ...
Calculation procedures of the “net crystalline density” and “net fluid volume” Net crystalline density Density of each phase was calculated usingρcalc(g cm−3) = (M Z V−1) × (Avogadro’s number)−1.V(Å3) is derived from profile fitting using the GSAS program...
For method (a) the acceptable water loss (or volume change) is calculated using a formula in which a change of pressure of 0.2 bar is inserted. The allowance factor used (1.2) results in the acceptable loss being 20% higher than the elastic volume change due to the pressure change. The...
Transient Electromagnetic Method 3D data volume can be calculated through the calculation of all-time resistivity and time-depth conversion. After an appropriate apparent resistivity value is set, the spatial distribution range of an aquifer can be determined. Then, with the water-filling coefficient ...
Step V: When the key stratum 1 is determined as belonging to the fractured zone after the fracture, steps III to IV need to be repeated to calculate the next stratum (the corresponding parameters in the formula shall be changed to the parameters of the key stratum under calculation). Additio...
Taking 20% of the measured runoff volume as the permissible error (ER) of runoff forecast, 20% of the measured runoff peak flow was set as the allowable error (ERm), and the permissible absolute value of DC was set at less than 0.5. The specific calculation formula is as follows:ΔQ=...