Data is available on Data Dryad: References Allison SD, Lu Y, Weihe C, Goulden ML, Martiny AC, Treseder KK, Martiny JBH (2013) Microbial abundance and composition influence litter decomposition response to environmental change. Ecology 94:714–725. ...
average and annual (1950–2013) Snow Storage Index products; a formatted version of the meteorological forcing datasets and modeled flux datasets, a formatted version of the observational datasets, and the primary code used in this manuscript please visit:
We calculated long-term (1950–2013) and annual Snow Storage Index (SSI) values across western North America to assess snow water storage. The storage of water in the snowpack creates a temporal offset between precipitation and later surface water inputs. The SSI is thus a numeric comparison o...
Signature of trait exaggeration among sex-biased genes.a–cComparison of gene expression (log2 TPM + 1) in male and female legs. Dots highlighted in purple and blue represent genes with significant difference in expression in females and males respectively. Insets indicate the number of fema...
Fig. 2: Line version of model results with 95% credible intervals showing the primary influence of ponderosa pine structure on the probability of ponderosa pine mortality, and the interaction across climatic water deficit. The “larger trees” line represents the mean height of ponderosa pine 0.7 ...
Data generated in this study are available in Authors are very grateful to J. Petr for providing meteorological data from his weather station, the reservoir's management for providing hydrological data of the reservoir, P. Znachor for additional ...
Version 3 includes data enhancements and corrections.Wisconsin Department of Natural ResourcesWisconsin Dept of Natural Resources
these visions, spending more time away from home. Finally, in an ecstatic fit, he encounters a dryad in a park near the polluted bay. This leads to his seduction and infidelity as he consorts with the dryad. But he welcomes these transgressions and continues his sport, until the dryad bre...
The data are at https://doi. org/10.5061/dryad.x95x69pkm. Miscellaneous other water quality data used There are four data sources for nitrate concentrations and one of silicate concentrations that were made in the early 1900s. McHargue & Peter (1921) measured ...
959 freshwater lakes distributed across 72 countries. Data were collected based on a systematic review examining 3322 published manuscripts that measured lake chla, and we supplemented these data with online repositories such as The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity, Dryad, and Pangaea. This publicly...