Testing powers of engagement: Green living experiments, the ontological turn and the undoability of involvement Eur. J. Social Theory, 12 (1) (2009), pp. 117-133 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Mintel, 2015 Mintel Music Concerts and Festivals – UK Mintel Group, London (2015) Google ...
Social comparisons and pro-social behavior: testing "conditional cooperation" in a field experiment Am. Econ. Rev. (2004), 10.1257/0002828043052187 Google Scholar Gächter, 2007 S. Gächter Conditional cooperation : behavioral regularities from the lab and the field and their policy implications ...
…In Skibbereen, County Cork, after the fall of darkness on Shrove Tuesday evening the boys of the town amuse themselves by discharging home-made firecrackers. These were made by wrapping gunpowder in paper with a short fuse attached and enclosing the packet in a tight covering of the lead-fo...
Max-IR Labs MetroAqua Profarms Consultants®™ Profarms Consultants City of Dallas GMR, Bengaluru Aqua ICS Town of Collierville Livestock Water Recycling Air Aqua CIty of Delray beach Normrock Industries Inc.TMA BlueTech - San Diego ...
As captured in the proposal, “The FRACTAL Project aims to advance scientific knowledge on regional climate responses to global change; integrate this scientific knowledge into decision making at the city regional scale through ‘Learning Labs’ (LLs); and, use iterative, trans-disciplinary, co-...
• The literature showed that the proposed PdM programs ended with testing the ML model. Moreover, no management solutions were provided for the addressed faults. 4.4. Research Gaps Based on the RQs, the research gaps found in this literature review from engineering management point of view ...