Because their thick walls keep interior temperatures constant and the reinforced floors are able to support great loads, the towers make ideal structures for aquaria and vivaria, which require environmental controls and huge water tanks. In Vienna the communication tower in Esterházypark has been ...
Also, giant holding ponds or tanks are needed to store the chemically contaminated waste water that comes back up the hole after wells have been fractured. Benzene Besides the fracking chemicals, the fracturing process may release benzene into nearby water sources. Benzene is clear and has a ...
/ 9AntI5kweErIEn; 9AntI`kwZrIEn/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of, for or concerning the study, collection or sale of antiques, esp old or rare books 研究, 搜集或出售古物的(尤指古籍或珍本书): an antiquarian bookseller 古籍商. antiquarian n = antiquary. antiquary / 5AntIkwErI; ?@ 5An...
We got religion after making a number of these and switched to molded plastic tanks. Here, mounted on a BMW R1100RT Turbo, the water injection was used on a 2000 mile test riding to the Bonneville Salt Flats where we were racing the Bonneville Bullett. Running pump gas the bike did not...
I have asked SWW to warn ALL their customers of the risk to their health from unprotected non-compliant (by today’s regulations) central heating header tanks and ask again that SWW do this. Also at the same 4 March 2016 meeting Mike Shannon stated that the “first part of the pipe fr...
/ 5B:mE(r); `BrmL/ n [U] 1 (formerly) protective, usu metal, covering for the body, worn when fighting (旧时)甲胄; 盔甲; 铁甲: a suit of armour 一套 盔甲 . 2 metal plates covering warships, tanks, etc to protect them from shells, missiles, etc (军舰, 坦克等的防炮弹, 导弹等...
The laboratory also receives approximately five hundred samples of drinking water from other supplies including wells, private springs, boreholes and ships' tanks. Samples are taken in connection with planned work programmes and as a result of complaints received by EHDs. In the event of an ...
For instance, the first (2011) large-scale commercial project which successfully uses energy storage in molten salt tanks while being able to generate electricity around the clock is the 19.9 MWe Gemasolar CSP-tower plant located in Spain [[111], [112]]. The plant is still working, producing...
(a) static re-suspension tanks or (b) an annular flume, an experimental facility in which rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) can be exposed under simulated flood-like conditions (Cofalla et al. [161], Hudjetz et al. [164]. Schüttrumpf et al. [166], Wölz et al. [167], ...