2005 with Harbor flexi were present at 1 Â 107 cells g–1 of sample in Branch Oceanographic Institute's JSL research sub- Geodia spp., there was a significantly (P40.005) mersible from the support vessel R/V Seward smaller number of Chloroflexi present in sediment Johnson (Table 1). ...
28 It is not open and obvious to the ordinary consumer in an apartment dwelling that multiple, simultaneous cold draws by others flushing toilets or using cold water for other purposes can drastically and suddenly lower the cold water pressure to their shower so that the com- fortable mixed ...
From Table4, pH in the river ranged from 5.827 to 6.553, with the Lower River (LR) recording highest acidity that is significantly different from Upper River (UR) and middle River (MR) at P ≥ 0.05, with the mean pH value of 6.179. The mean pH of the present study is slightly ...
Table 2. OWC concentrations detected in raw water samples from 20 domestic wells on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Chemical nameMethod detection limit (MDL) (ng/L)Number of times detected (%)Maximum concentration (ng/L)Health-based guideline values (ng/L)Maximum concentrations reported in raw drinking...
(2013) in his evaluation of 20 VFW systems selected from the PA DEP survey for poor performance found that >50 % did not treat the influent AMD to a net alkaline state, often due to faulty design or construction or to a lack of essential maintenance (Supplementary Table 1). Of those...
Table 1. Nutritional, energetic value and hydrophilic compounds of tomato fruit in relation to irrigation regime (W+/W-) and biostimulant treatment (C, TW, XS, N) (mean ± SD, n = 3). The main detected free sugar was fructose (10.96–13.00 g/100 g dw), followed by glucose (6.84...
The isotherm-specific parameters (such as Alift-off, Alim, or πcoll, see Figure S2) are summarized in Table S1 in the Supplementary Materials. Conducted isotherm experiments confirm that both pure and mixed systems create insoluble monolayers at the air/water interface, and every individual ...
The most intensive peaks in the range of 2800–3000 cm−1 were noticed for peppermint extract from ethanol-water (Figure 2). Figure 1. The FTIR spectra of common nettle freeze-dried extracts. Figure 2. The FTIR spectra of peppermint freeze-dried extracts. Table 2. Characteristic ...
Table 2. Photo-electrochemical properties of LDH- and MMO-type electrodes. In order to investigate the electrical properties of the new synthesized photocatalysts, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed. The Mott–Schottky (M-S) plots of all the tested anodes allowed the ev...
Physicochemical Analysis The analytical results of the selected properties of the WTR samples are shown in Table 1. The measured pH of WTRs ranged from 7.0 to 9.1. Specifically, the Ca-WTR and Fe-WTR samples were higher than typically reported pH ranges of WTRs mostly between 5.10 and 8.00...