Keywords: towed underwater platform;unmanned underwater vehicle;depth control
vines have access to a high water table, or in poorly structured clay soils. Moreover, whereas under standarddrip irrigationthe roots are often concentrated in the surface soil, grapevines under PRD shiftroot growthto deeper soil layers (Dry et al., 2000b, 2001). Although this adaptive behavi...
27, 2016 in the flooded Hranicka Propast, or Hranice Abyss, in the Czech Republic Polish explorer Krzysztof Starnawski, left, and Bartlomiej Grynda, right, are reading images from a remotely-operated underwater robot, or ROV, that went to the record depth of 404 meters ,1,325 feet, ...
In subject area: Agricultural and Biological Sciences MAD is the maximum amount of water than can be removed from the soil, expressed as a fraction of total plant available water (PAW), before plant stress occurs (Snyder, 2014) and is used to determine when irrigation is needed to replace ...
The Salawusu Formation aquifer is widely distributed in the mining area, and its thickness ranges from 0 m to 67.3 m. The buried depth of water table is generally less than 10 m [4,45]. As a result, it is the major aquifer in this area which needs to be considered during the ...
The detection of liquid water by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) at the base of the south polar layered deposits in Ultimi Scopuli has reinvigorated the debate about the origin and stability of liquid water under p
The Tianwen-1 mission, marking China’s inaugural venture into Mars exploration, successfully deployed the Zhurong rover on Utopia Planitia. This revi
where \({\mathrm{P}}_{0}=\left({\upsigma }_{\mathrm{H}}+{\upsigma }_{\mathrm{h}}\right)/2\);R is the wellbore radius; H is the formation depth. This drilling fluid density formula was applied to Well X211 in western China, and the required parameters are listed in Table 4...
Bangladesh is a densely populated and developing country facing severe water pollution, crisis and security. Even though all population has access to freshwater, water is often contaminated as a result of over-exploitation, rapid urbanization, and pollut
A former aide to two New York governors and her husband are facing additional charges in a case accusing her of acting as an agent of the Chinese government Associated PressFeb. 11, 2025 Kilauea Is Spewing Lava Again. It Is the Hawaii Volcano's Latest Activity in an On-And-Off Eruption...