Haris Hasan Khan, Arina Khan, in GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science, 2019 14.1 Introduction Surface water (including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries, etc.) interacts with groundwater almost everywhere on Earth. This interaction takes place through the loss of ...
In subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences Groundwater refers to the water that is formed by the melting of snow or rain and percolates through soil and rocks, serving as a precious natural resource for various purposes such as drinking, agriculture, and industry. ...
Water partitioning in the Earth’s mantle[J] . Toru Inoue,Tomoyuki Wada,Rumi Sasaki,Hisayoshi Yurimoto.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors . 2010 (1)Inoue T., Wada T., Sasaki R., Yurimoto H. (2010) Water partition- ing in the Earth's mantle. Physics of the Earth an...
Constraining the magnitude of past hydrological change may improve understanding and predictions of future shifts in water availability. Here we demonstrate that water-table depth, a sensitive indicator of hydroclimate, can be quantitatively reconstructe
Monthly gridded observational temperature from the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature dataset (BEST)59 was used to reveal the relationship between surface soil moisture and regional temperature. Details of the datasets are provided in Supplementary Table 1. Large simulations To investigate the impact of ...
Full size table The water resources carrying capacity of Northwest China is divided into five levels in this study. And the value range of each index under different levels and the carrying status of each level are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Grading standard values of evaluation indexes Full ...
In these cases, users can determine the local topology using the neighboring reach attributes (“rch_id_up”; “rch_id_dn”) (Table S2). The “rch_id_up” and “rch_id_dn” attributes catalog the upstream and downstream neighbors for each reach in the SWORD database. After the ...
AirMSPI_CalWater-2_Terrain-projected_Georegistered_Radiance_Data 是降水、气溶胶和太平洋大气河流实验(CalWater-2)飞行活动于 2015 年 1 月至 2 月期间获取的 AirMSPI 地形投影地理登录辐射度产品。 AirMSPI 1B2 级产品包含云、气溶胶和地球表面的辐射度和偏振度图像。 特别是,产品包含 8 个波长的地图投影数...
In subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences Seepage water refers to the water that infiltrates through reservoir beds or dam walls due to hydraulic gradients, influencing the efficiency of water storage and groundwater recharge. AI generated definition based on: Science of The Total Environment, 20...
Fig. 6.Summary of the future groundwater changes by climate region based on: a) the 40 studies listed inTable 3; b) a subset of 20 of the 40 studies in the wettest and driest tropics. Recharge—R, Storage—S, Level—L. Like in the tropics, studies intemperate climatesalso revealed mo...