watersuppliesdepartmentconservekitkong 第冊Book4 知水 • 惜水通識教學材料套 Water:Learn&Conserve TeachingKitforLiberalStudies 知水•惜水 通識教學材料套 Water:Learn&Conserve TeachingKitforLiberalStudies 設計設計堂有限公司 DesignTheDesignAssociates 出版香港特別行政區政府水務署 香港灣仔告士打道7號入境...
The financial performance of the Water Supplies Department has been deteriorating in recent years. In order to improve the performance of the water supply industry, the Hong Kong Government should consider inviting the private sector to run the industry. Hong Kong can learn from other countries ...
Builders of the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project have been awarded the title "Role Model of the Times" for their efforts to ensure a safe and stable supply of fresh water to Hong Kong over the past five decades. The title was conferred by the Publicity Department of t...
Water management’s efficiency or good governance of water resources in the GCC countries, on the supply–demand side, is very low. On the supply side, the fraction of the physical spillage of non-revenue generating water in urban systems ranges from 30% to over 40% (Al-Saidi and Saliba ...
The principal source of raw water collected by the Taipei Water Department (TWD) is the Xindian Creek, which represents 97% of total raw water supply. Two water intake units are in operation at the creek: the Qingtan Weir is located where water is conveyed by gravity to the Zhangxing ...
China suffers from frequent large-scale earthquakes, posing a significant challenge to the development and integrity of its rural water supply system (RWSS). The earthquake resilience of water supply systems is understood to be a function of multifaceted factors, which are time- and space-dependent...
Remediation of the contaminated water and soil to rehabilitate their ecological functions is urgently needed to ensure sustainable food production and water supply. As a novel multifunctional carbonaceous material, biochar (BC), recognized for its potential roles in carbon sequestration, waste biomass ...
In terms of residential water supply, the application of the cost recovery principle means that users must finance the total costs of the urban water cycle. The population must therefore cover the full cost of having a high quality water service and to contribute to the conservation of the envi...
Sarawusu Formation aquifer is the primary supply source of water demand for local residents and is decisive for the eco-environment of the study area. Thus, it is the main aquifer for WRCCMA research in the Yu-Shen mining area. The high water-rich regions of the aquifer cover a total are...
Guarantee the security of water supply in Hong Kong and Macao Chen Renzhu, deputy director general of the Water Resources Department of Guangdong Province, stressed that Guangdong will strengthen water supply cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao. ...