The financial performance of the Water Supplies Department has been deteriorating in recent years. In order to improve the performance of the water supply industry, the Hong Kong Government should consider inviting the private sector to run the industry. Hong Kong can learn from other countries ...
watersuppliesdepartmentconservekitkong 第冊Book4知水•惜水通識教學材料套Water:Learn&ConserveTeachingKitforLiberalStudies知水•惜水通識教學材料套Water:Learn&ConserveTeachingKitforLiberalStudies設計設計堂有限公司DesignTheDesignAssociates出版香港特別行政區政府水務署香港灣仔告士打道7號入境事務大樓48樓網址:http...
Builders of the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project have been awarded the title "Role Model of the Times" for their efforts to ensure a safe and stable supply of fresh water to Hong Kong over the past five decades. The title was conferred by the Publicity Department of ...
HONG KONG : THE FACTS Water, Power and Gas Supplies WATER SUPPLIES Providing an adequate water supply for Hong Kong has always been difficult because there are no natural lakes, rivers or substantial underground water sources. The annual rainfall averages 2 398.5 millimetres but this is insufficien...
The signing of the agreement is an important basis for implementing the Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation Framework Agreement and ensuring the safety of the water supply to Hong Kong, said Wang Lixin, director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Water Resources. ...
The title was conferred by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Back in the 1960s, tens of thousands of construction workers from Guangdong Province completed the 83-km-long water supply project under difficult circumstances in just one year, effectively allevia...
Water: a limited supply meeting demand; The Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office Building demonstrates the benefits and simplicity of rain-water harvesting systems and water conservation techniques, while addressing the limited supply of a valuable resource....
New York's water supply system is one of the largest in the world. But the treatment process is simpler than in most other U.S. cities. This is because it relies on multiple wilderness watersheds. Between 1997 and 2015 the city's Department of Environmental Protection has either purchased ...
China suffers from frequent large-scale earthquakes, posing a significant challenge to the development and integrity of its rural water supply system (RWSS). The earthquake resilience of water supply systems is understood to be a function of multifaceted factors, which are time- and space-dependent...
That is, valuing this cost of the water resource based on the imbalance between supply and demand arises when considering the environmental sustainability in the long term—costs that must be added to the rest of the distribution and contamination costs. As far as we know, previous evidence has...