It was the water-column sonar data collected by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in the days before the Deep Discoverer dive that reassured researchers that the seeps were still active. During the Deep Discoverer dive, mats of filamentous bacteria (Beggiatoa), Bathymodiolus mussels, and special carbonate...
While temperate and cold climates may have less need for cooling in general terms, the increased number of droughts and heatwaves is still a major concern as the climate changes24,28. Although there is some evidence that global warming may have complex impacts on UHI effects29, one of the m...
Aquastill GREEN ENERGY FOUNDATION (GE Foundation) Agrona Group Save vulnerable mother and child organization NovNat Igatpuri Nagar council Ahamedabad municipal corporation SCADA Domain Arx technoflow Flatgigs- AHOY Uniwater University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan ...
Notable application domains include transportation (autonomous cars), energy, healthcare, and manufacturing. Compared to these other fields, the use of AI in the water domain is still relatively modest. Although AI in itself is not new (cf. Crevier, 1993), its current use and impact are ...
that the thin caprock in deep and ultra-deep water areas still has the hydrocarbon sealing ability. Combined with the study of oil and gas accumulation periods, it is clear that the maximum Paleopressure coefficient in the bottom splitting area around B2 well near the center of Baiyun sag is...
China has been consistently improving the application of water-saving technology and constructing long-distance water transfer projects to solve the increasing water pressure in the downstream catchments, according to the researchers. Yet there remains a need to consider the balance of water resource al...
Nonetheless, data from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), as well as Statistics South Africa (StatsSA 2022), exposed that over 3.4 million households in the country have no access to consistent water provision, with 14.1 million of the population still using sanitation services below ...
1995) under water deficit are accompanied by alterations in carbon and nitrogen metabolism, the fine regulation of which is still largely unknown (Pinheiro et al. 2001). Soil water deficit tolerant cultivars have deep and thick roots. The thick roots are positively correlated with xylem vessel ...
Despite the many advantages discussed above for protein nanofibrils based water purification technologies, there still is a need to further expand this field towards vegetable proteins originating from agricultural waste, as the possibility to generate protein nanofibrils from soy, pea, rice, potatoes, ...
When the surface soil is dry while the subsoil is still wet, there is no reduction in shoot growth as long as the roots have access to the subsoil water (Phillips and Riha, 1994). However, when separate roots of the same vine experience dry and wet soil columns, shoot growth is ...