1. Download the file, you will get a zip file which will be located in your downloads folder. Unzip it and you will get a folder containing overlays. 2. Open Photoshop and open the file you want to edit. 3. Drag and drop any overlay from the folders into Photoshop. 4. Depending on...
Step 20– Now to finish it off you can add some stars in the middle. And now our Super Splash effect is done. Hope you guys enjoyed it and learn something interesting. Alternativly, you can save time and effort by purchasing aready-made water spash effect photoshop actionas shown below ...
For adding the splashes in your image, you need to download abrush tool. After downloading the brushes copy the file and paste it in Brushes folder, which is located in the Presets folder in the Adobe Photoshop directory. Once installed, you can use the brushes to cre...
In this tutorial I will show you how to create cool water typography effect in Photoshop playing with stock photos, blend modes and filters. We will also use some water splash brushes and smooth gradients to give a splish-splash feel to our design. For this tutorial I have downloaded a few...