One implication of this result is that there is great potential in using SWDIS to monitor weekly dry spells. The same conclusion was arrived at by Martínez-Fernández et al. [36], who found that the drought periods are relatively well captured by the SWDIS at the central part of Spain,...
The concept of climate is much more than this, for it also includes the extremes of weather—the heat waves of summer and the cold spells of winter—that occur in a particular region. The frequency of these extremes is what helps us distinguish among climates that have similar averages. ...
The first SR published two books, namely one compiling good practices in realising the HRtWS [3] as well as a handbook on the HRtWS [4], which spells out how governments can integrate the HRtWS into their work. The second Rapporteur developed a follow-up exercise of seven of his ...