Feat: Adds resource for company contacts #1032 Enforce not null constraint on water.licences.start_date column #1034 Revert "Feat/bull mq (#1022)" #1033 Consider time-limited dates when determining charge versions for TPT bill run #1031 Feat/bull mq #1022 Removes use of TPT_PURPOSE_USE_COD...
During its pilot in Hubli- Dharwad, NextDrop had garnered a workable level of cooperation from the valve- men. The company did not keep detailed data on incentive-specific performance but believed that their combination of individual and social incentives in Hubli- Dharwad had been effective. ...
et al. Predictive Modelling for Sensitive Social Media Contents Using Entropy-FlowSort and Artificial Neural Networks Initialized by Large Language Models. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2024, 17(1): 262. DOI:10.1007/s44196-024-00668-5 9. Li, L., Song, Y., Quan...
import_love = '{}&from={}&to={}&page=1&start=0&limit=25&sort=%5B%7B%22property%22%3A%22stcd%22%2C%22direction%22%3A%22ASC%22%7D%2C%7B%22property%22%3A%22tm%22%2C%22direction%22%3A%22DESC%22%7D%5D'.format...
Microsoft Office 2010 is an edition of Microsoft s Office software suite. It includes popular applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access. When you first. If you re activating over the Internet and have a slow connection, you might want to activate by phone. Activate Office 2010 ...
This paper explores the value of involving citizens in the generation of knowledge in drinking water research. To this end, the significance of the ‘Freshness of Water’ citizen science project on the microbiological stability of drinking water was anal
A high-resolution method that can be utilized to see cyanobacteria cells and their structures at the nanoscale level is electron microscopy. In this method, the material is illuminated by an electron beam, and the cells are viewed via an electron microscope. Electron microscopy can be used to ...
1//搜网上的javabrowser都不支持中文在线修改保存,且文件名包含中文。修改如下23<%@pageimport="java.util.*,4java.net.*,5java.text.*,6java.util.zip.*,7java.io.*"8contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"9%>10<%!11//FEATURES12privatestaticfinalbooleanNATIVE_COMMANDS =tr...
The results confirm the availability of the proposed local-confidence-level-enhanced density clustering method in improving source counting performance. The source counting accuracy of the proposed method is better than the methods it is compared with. The probability distribution of the source counting ...
Many of the most important water projects in these regions focus on fossil water creating a sort of "pumping race" between the countries that share common aquifers, where overexploitation of groundwater in these regions is the major cause of seawater intrusion problems [34,35,38–46]. Therefore...