Long after the political uprisings in the Middle East have subsided, many underlying challenges that are not now in the news will remain. Prominent among these are rapid population growth, spreading water shortages, and ever growing food insecurity. In some countries, grain production is now ...
It is worth noting that the continuing heat waves and droughts, which have created water shortages in the Middle East, have made the water issue between Iraq and Turkey more critical than ever. According to satellites that monitor climate, the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, which is a transboundary bas...
middle eastMiddle Eastern countries (ME) are expected to face severe water shortages in the near future. As most conventional water resources are already developed or over exploited, there is a need to develop non-conventional options to bridge water shortages. These options include brackish and ...
Situationneednotleadtowar,wherestateshaveamicablerelationshipstheycanworkoutdisputesthroughnegotiation,andevenworkinconcerttoaddressproblemofwaterscarcity.However,somedisputesaboutwaterarebetweenstateswithlonghistoryoflessthancivilrelations.Inthesecasesshortagescanleadtoconflictinthefuture.JordanRiverBasin •5riparianstates...
Countries in the Middle East use the least amount of water per person because there are so few natural sources of freshwater. In contrast, the usage of water is higher in the United States than in any other country, with around 60,000 cubic feet (1,700 cubic meters) of water used per...
Water scarcity in the Middle East has been an issue for a long time. Given the current trends of unsustainable water withdrawals, population ncrease, degradation of land resources, and projected effects of climate change on precipitation in the region, water scarcity will remain a major problem,...
Middle East. Though disputes over water have come close to triggering wars between nations of the region in the past, diplomats intervened to keep tensions to a minimum. Now a new study suggests that over the next 20 years, water shortages could trigger ...
Countries of the Middle East are increasingly suffering from shortages and mismanagement of water, a commodity that is becoming of considerable value since water demands are fast approaching the limits of availability. Efficient solutions for water-related problems necessitate the adoption of well-planned...
It recently built a dam on the Euphrates River to control more water. It also has built a solid relationship with Israel, which might be given some of that water. On the other hand, Turkey has a very unstable relationship with Syria, which has caused shortages in the quantity of water ...
根据第一段“One in four people around the world is at the risk of facing dangerous water shortages. Seventeen countries face ‘extremely high water stress’ because they use 80 percent of their available water each year. The situation is made worse by a rise in dry periods linked to climate...