has experienced substantial drought conditions for the past two decades. As a result of this, Lake Mead has dropped to historically low reservoir levels. In the United States, Arizona is among the top five states that have the highest water usage. Many projections have shown that there was a ...
Plan (DCP), the CRIT will lease water typically used for farm irrigation and leave it in the river to support Lake Mead water levels. The project will reduce the likelihood of water shortage declarations and play a key role in helping Arizona comply with its DCP system conservation ...
Nearly 2,000 acres of pristine development land situated on either side of the US Interstate 15 in Beaver Dam, Arizona. This area is commonly referred to as the "Arizona Strip" which is located in the extreme northwest corner of Arizona. The site is about 8 miles north of Mesquite, Nevada...
Shortage-sharing agreements have been implemented for centuries in New Mexico. The main characteristic of these agreements is that during drought conditions, the way water is distributed shifts to prioritize that all users keep access to at least some water. This characteristic contrasts with the doct...
Under that proposed plan, California, Arizona and Nevada would make the first round of water cuts to address a shortage, and then would look to the other states to participate if larger reductions are needed, which Buschatzke called a reasonable approach. ...
WIREs Water https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1672 (2023). US Bureau of Reclamation. Water Operations: Historic Data (data for 2022); https://www.usbr.gov/rsvrWater/HistoricalApp.html Davis, T. Uncertainty grips Arizona over Colorado River supplies. Tucson Daily Star (12 September 2022). ...
For the first time ever, the federal government is expected to declare a water shortage on the lower Colorado River later this summer. That will force automatic cuts to the water supply for Nevada and Arizona starting in 2022. Homeowners have higher priority and, at first, won't feel the ...
Through her photography and collaborative approach, the visual storyteller is illuminating the stark reality facing farmers and communities in the Western U.S.
"For generations, groundwater has supported Arizona communities," Hobbs said. "In times of shortage, it is groundwater that we turn to as a backup. In many communities throughout Arizona, it is the only water supply available, and so we must manage it wisely." ...
The federal government announced that the Colorado River will operate in a Tier 2 shortage condition for the first time starting in January as the West’s historic drought has taken a severe toll on Lake Mead. What this means: Arizona, Nevada and Mexico will have to further reduce their ...