water sensor水位传感器是一款简单易用、性价比较高的水位/水滴识别检测传感器,其是通过具有一系列的暴露的平行导线线迹测量其水滴/水量大小从而判断水位。轻松完成水量到模拟信号的转换,输出的模拟值可以直接被arduino开发板读取,达到水位报警的功效。 规格参数: ...
水位传感器 Water Sensor for Arduino
Arduino代理商 UltiRobot 进店逛逛 折啊 水位传感器水深检测WaterSensor适用于Arduino平台ultirobot传感器 水位传感器 水深检测 Water Sensor 适用于Arduino平台ultirobot ¥5.9 折后¥5.9 发货地: 江苏 苏州 风格: 水位 传感器 水深 检测 Water Sensor 适用于 ...
5m Range Seawater Wastewater Level Sensor Trademark Holykell Origin Hunan, China (Mainland) Product Description Distributors Water Level Sensor 0 5V ,Water Tank Level Sensor For Arduino Product Description HPT604 is a sewage water level sensor probe suitable for liq...
Learn how to use an Arduino to activate a pump for draining water when it is detected by a water sensor. Learn how to create an automatic drainage system using an Arduino, a water sensor, and a pump. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tu
To this end, we have launched an analog TDS sensor kit which is compatible with for Arduino, plug and play, easy to use. Matching with for Arduino controller, you can build a TDS detector easily to measure the TDS value of liquid. This product supports 3.3 ~ 5.5V wide voltage input, ...
adaptable nature make it suitable for use in a range of scenarios, from monitoring water levels in ammonia sensors to detecting rain with a rain sensor module for Arduino. Whether you're looking to enhance your existing systems or build something new, this sensor is designed to meet your ...
At Arduino IDE, go to menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries... In Library Manager Window, search "flowsensor" in the search form then select "FlowSensor". Click "Install" button. Platform IO For PlatformIO IDE, using the following command. Or at PIO Home -> Library -> Re...
Arduino - Actuator with Feedback Arduino - Joystick Arduino - Joystick - Servo Motor Arduino - Soil Moisture Sensor Arduino - Soil Moisture Sensor Pump Arduino - Automatic Irrigation System Arduino - LCD Arduino - LCD I2C Arduino - LCD 20x4 Arduino - OLED Arduino - TFT LCD Display Arduino -...
水位传感器 Water Sensor for 水分 液滴 水深检测 深圳市时代华信科技有限公司 10年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥1.00 水位传感器 Water Sensor for 水分 液滴 水深检测 兼容Arduino 深圳市铭科达科技有限公司 6年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥8.00 供应重汽...