Consumer perceptions are key to the success of strategies to address water scarcity. A decision pathway survey was used to investigate attitudes amongst South Africans ( N = 668) in urban areas towards four alternative water sources. Results showed that storm and rainwater harvesting was the most ...
In this paper we examine the nexus of water an energy scarcity in South Africa The fresh water resources of the country are close to exhaustion Business Day 2009 Turton 2008 yet safe drinking water is not yet universally available to all in the country in spite of a government policy to pr...
Satellite imagery of Chennai that circulated across the internet in June starkly demonstrates how drought is affecting the Indian city. The pictures show how the reserves that provide the city with most of its water are nearly dry, contributing to a water scarcity crisis that has ...
Water resources sustainability in High Mountain Asia (HMA) surrounding the Tibetan Plateau (TP)—known as Asia’s water tower—has triggered widespread concerns because HMA protects millions of people against water stress1,2. However, the mechanisms behi
However, in parallel, the variability of rain event intensities and timing is also expected to increase in this region5. The scarcity of available water in hyperarid environments creates a range of niches occupied by spe- cialized organisms capable of surviving low water activity conditions6–8....
There are three main challenges that inhibit the improvement of WASH conditions in this area: inadequate institutional capacity, water scarcity, and poor socio-economic conditions. We found that a village leader is the most important actor who influences the sustainability of WASH services in this ar...
Water scarcity occurs when there are insufficient freshwater resources to meet the human and environmental demands of a certain area. Given the challenges of population growth, profligate use, growing pollution, and global warming, many countries and maj
The five northwestern provinces face numerous challenges in sustainable development, particularly water scarcity, economic imbalances, and ecological degradation. This study aims to deeply assess the region’s water resource conditions, the current status of economic development, and the health of the ecos...
It is in the 1980s when academic literature—especially economic literature—begins to pay attention to the market, with a consensus that it is a good way to manage the efficient use of water in a situation of scarcity, provided that it is possible to reduce transaction costs and negative ex...
Two-thirds of the global population live under severe water scarcity for at least one month a year [2]. With its arid and semi-arid climate and limited freshwater resources, the Middle East relies mainly on desalination for sustenance [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Desalination is a proven technology...