Impact Factor: 5.4 CiteScore:8.8 分区:JCR-Q1;中科院地球科学1区 出版周期:Monthly 检索数据库:SCIE、EI 自引率:13.00% 出版方式:支持OA与非OA,OA版面费$3000 期刊主编:Georgia (Gia) Destouni(斯德哥尔摩大学) 期刊介绍: 《Water Resources Research》是一本...
Water Resources Research 约5.3个月审稿时间 1区中科院分区 Q1JCR分区 4.6影响因子 ISSN:0043-1397 E-ISSN:1944-7973 国际简称:WATER RESOUR RES 出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES 研究方向:环境科学 - 湖沼学 是否预警:否 创刊时间:1965 H-index:183
水资源(WATER RESOURCES)领域SCIE期刊及其影响因子排名如下: Rank Full Journal Title Total Cites Journal Impact Factor 1 WATER RESEARCH 99,442 9.130 2 DESALINATION 44,845 7.098 3 HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 19,937 5.153 4 npj Clean Water 145 4.870 5 Exposure and Health 649 4.762 6 JOURNAL...
JCR 影响因子(Impact factor), 5年期影响因子, 即年指数(Immediacy Index), 论文数量, 半衰期, 特征因子(Eigenfactor), 论文影响分值 [科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款;☆语言问题免费重修;★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票;★一分钟下单;☆365日不间断服务 期刊全名 water resources research 期...
Water Resources is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the assessment and use of water resources, their quality, and protection. Covers a broad range of research areas, including physical, dynamic, chemical, and biological phenomena that occur within or involve water. Encompasses research related ...
Research articleAbstract only The effect of water temperature on the removal of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin by preloaded granular activated carbon Jie Yuan, Yifeng Huang, Zhijie Nie, Ronald Hofmann Article 116065 select article Chlorothalonil transformation products in drinking water resources: Widesprea...
Water Research X Open access 12.3CiteScore 7.2Impact Factor In association with the International Water Association Water Research X is a Gold Open Access sister journal of Water Research, featuring concise, letter-style, leading-edge research papers, visionary perspectives and editorials, and mini-rev...
At present, the research on the relationship between water resources management and economic development mainly focuses on the integration of water resources and the mechanism of water resources. Hassan & Thurlow et al. (2015) used the general equilibrium model to analyze the impact of water ...
Water Research Supports open access 20.8CiteScore 11.5Impact Factor In association with the International Water Association Water Research has an open access companion journal Water Research X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. Water Research ...
学科:WATER RESOURCESSCIEQ369 / 127 46.06% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数量是均分的。