Species-specific rooting depth data for groundwater-dependent vegetation in the Natural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater are from The Nature Conservancy’s Plant Rooting Depth Database (https://www.groundwaterresourcehub.org/where-we-work/california/plant-rooting-depth-database/, accessed...
Required flow and temperature conditions for SLFSF (including the olive perchlet, purple spotted gudgeon and eastern rainbowfish) spawning and recruitment were identified. This was used in ecological models to evaluate the risk from water resource development. Read more about this in the Minister's...
Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles (Jones et al.2023b,2024) were measured one to four times each year between May 15th and September 15th. Profiles were taken near the dam at the deepest point in the reservoir using a Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) multi-parameter sonde. No profiles ...
Such solutions conserve water in some periods, at the expense of some ecosystem loss (e.g., fish recruitment) to improve long-term ecosystem functioning. We evaluated the opportunity cost of different levels of flow regime restoration and hydropower production by coupling the hydro-economic model ...
Recruitment and cultivation of “passionistas” among office staff who were enthusiastic about green infrastructure and tenacious in working for its implementation. The PWD also initiated an outreach program intended to build understanding about the importance of sustainable stormwater management. Some of ...
behavioral intentions to safeguard ecological achievements in ecologically fragile areas through conservation trust funds. Analysis of survey responses from a convenience sample of 715 residents and resource users in the Cigu area reports that attitudes (ATT), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral ...
May 31, 2023 Data Scientists with Trinnex discuss how Artificial Intelligence provides answers to current questions and ones in the future. Words on Water #235: Turbidity Testing with Lovibond May 30, 2023 Wastewater Resource Facilities rely on turbidity testing to know whether our water is safe ...
Given that a sizeable portion of urban water consumption comes from residential settlements, it is crucial to fully understand the factors that influence water consumption and develop a predictable model so that urban planners and water resource managers can make more informed decisions. Machine learning...
Prior to recruitment, potential participants were given a brief explanation in which they were told that they would be making decisions in an “economic choice situation”. They were also informed that the money they would earn depended upon their own investment decisions and those of the others ...
longipes third legs is associated with both increased degree of male-biased expression and the recruitment of new sex-biased genes. Table 1 Number and percentage of genes expressed in the legs in males and females Full size table Fig. 2 Signature of trait exaggeration among sex-biased genes....