WRC 40-Year Celebration Conference concluding address - The Water Research Commission 40 years on.The article presents the view of the author regarding the challenges of the water sector in South Africa. According to the author, the sector is facing limited water resources, degenerating quality of...
SOUTH AFRICAN WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION PREFACEThis document incorporates the project report and the user guide to the Economic Model for Leakage Management (ECONOLEAK) which has been developed through the Water Research Commission (WRC)-funded project titled "Development of a... R Mckenzie,A Lamber...
The Grootdraai dam water quality study conducted in collaboration with Rhodes University, Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), Rand Water, Eskom and Water Research Commission (WRC) was completed. The project included development of a water quality model for the catchment and modelling of land...
This book presents the research portfolio for 2008/09 set on the basis of Water Research Commission's (WRC) strategic plan. The WRC continued to invest in the creation of knowledge via its 4 main key strategic areas (KSAs). These areas include Water Resource Management, Water-Linked Ecosystem...
The Grootdraai dam water quality study conducted in collaboration with Rhodes University, Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), Rand Water, Eskom and Water Research Commission (WRC) was completed. The project included development of a water quality model for the catchment and modelling of land...
Following an introduction on the vision, mission and research portfolio of the Water Research Commission (WRC) in South Africa, the key strategic areas (KSAs): water resource management, water-linked ecosystems, water use and waste management and water utilization in agriculture, are discussed in ...
The location, dead storage, conservation storage, and capacity of the Jinping Reservoir and the Ertan Reservoir are collected from the Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC). Static reservoir attributes are generally widely shared in China, which can also be retrieved from the literature. 3.1....
The five key strategic areas (KSAs) of the Water Research Commission's (WRC) strategic plan for South Africa for the period 2007/08 are discussed: water resource management, water-linked ecosystems, water use and waste management, water utilization in agriculture, and water-centred knowledge. Th...
主办单位: WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION 出版地区: South Africa 出版周期: 双月刊 别名: 水SA 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0378-4738 创刊时间: 1975年 热门主题: WaterAfricaRiverApplicationConcentrationsIrrigationSignificantGroundwaterCatchmentRainfallAssessmentQualityModellingConcentrationWastewaterDevelopmentCAPE...
《Water Sa》(《水萨》)是一本由South African Water Research Commission出版的环境科学-水资源学术刊物,主要刊载环境科学-水资源相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选SCIE来源期刊。该刊创刊于1975年,出版周期Quarterly。2023年发布的影响因子为1。投稿...