However, the availability of freshwater resources is rapidly declining due to over-exploitation and climate change and, therefore, is unlikely to sustainably address future needs, which requires a rethink of our solutions and associated investments. Here we present a bold departure from existing ...
Moreover, the rates of water level change are also dominant forces affecting the growth and development of aquatic plants. Aquatic plants gradually adapt to the natural hydrological regime in the long process of evolution, and they have different water level requirements at different growth stages16...
They can, for instance, rise and fall seasonally, with the level of a reservoir, or with the varying costs of water and sewage treatment. A billing system that accommodates fast and easy rate change facilitates such variable rate structures. • Two-tier rates. These are common among energy...
downscaling methods, and hydrological models, all of which creates uncertainties in outcomes (Crosbie et al., 2013;Green, 2016).Crosbie et al. (2013) and Nkhonjera and Dinka (2017)independently sought to quantify the relative uncertainties in projections of recharge rates from GCMs, downscaling ...
Rapid population’s growth, improper water management, insufficient institutional plans, high rates of water consumption, pollution of water assets, climate change impacts, environmental degradation, deforestation, and low and unsustainable financing of interests in water supply and sanitation are all part...
In the past months, Turkey launched an effort to help resolve the water problem of neighboring Iraq amid bilateral tensions over decreasing flow rates in the Tigris and Euphrates river system whose water is shared by the two countries.
Data like types of component malfunctions, failure sequence and availability of replacement parts can also be included in the Markov analysis to determine how safe and reliable a component is which can indicate the rates of transition. This method was developed at the beginning of the twentieth ...
The region is characterized by a semi-arid and dry-cold climate, with an average annual rainfall of 359.1 mm, a minimum temperature of 4.3 °C, and a maximum temperature of 17.7 °C54. Evaporation rates range from 930 to 1513 mm per year55. The Lake receives approximately 25% of its ...
These reductions result when higher temperatures accelerate the growth rates of the crops; in turn, causing earlier maturation and less opportunity for biomass accumulation16,29. However, we also show that the maximum yield of alfalfa could potentially increase in the future (26% during the 2030–...
Water demand is projected to grow in the future and climate change is expected to reduce supply. To adapt, water managers need robust estimates of future regional water supply to support management decisions. To address this need, we estimate future streamflow in seven water resource regions in ...