A recent soil index for irrigation scheduling is soilQ21. SoilQis the most important soil bulk density trait. As the density of the soil increases, the force required for the tip of the penetrometer to penetrate the soil increases. This force can also influence the root penetration22. The pre...
The final ensemble machine learning model was selected based on the ROC curve. Then future GPMs for the years 2025, 2030, 2035, and 2040 the best-fit model was simply multiplied by factors related to climate change in the raster calculator to develop the future groundwater potential models. T...
even on a small scale. The time savings are particularly evident in a direct comparison: when coating both sides of a panel door, the XVLP spray application significantly reduces your processing time. Cleaning time is also significantly reduced. Use our efficiency calculator to see how much time...
In addition, key technical stakeholders who were directly responsible for decision-making in the Alto Mayo and Guandu basins received personal training on the recently developed FHI desktop tool/calculator (https://www.freshwaterhealthindex.org/fhi-tool-download). This training provided another opportu...
4.48, the main inputs to the Irrigation Calculator are soil type, crop type and planting date, while the output is crop water demand, either at a monthly time step or aggregated into the annual total. The same model is also used in the 2-D groundwater model introduced in the previous ...
An automatic record- ing of Q values in text format or ASCI allows the user to read and use the input and output data (results) stored in the Excel software. In the results section, every 0.5 mm penetration in the soil, one piece of data is recorded and reported by the KMP2 ...
(http://www.climahom.eu/software-solution/anclim124) and CurveExpert Professional 1.6 (https://www.curveexpert.net) to visualise and further analyse the data. Box-and-whisker graphs (box plots) were generated using the free online calculator Box-and-Whisker Plot Maker (https://good...
The WQI software has been prepared in Visual Basic by CCME, which can be implemented in MS Excel for computational purpose. Instructions for the implementation are well described in the Calculator Version 1.0 (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) 2001). The output is available...
2.2.10. Water Quality Mapping Estimated water quality parameters were used to generate simplified models resulting from the significant testing and validation process. These models were represented spatially and temporally using GIS tools (raster calculator) and employing QGIS software for TOC, TDS, and...
The five layers of different USLE parameters, generated in Arc GIS software, were overlapped using raster calculator tool. The two raster layers of soil loss, one before conservation measures and another after conservation measures, were prepared. The soil loss was classified into five different clas...