Point estimates of groundwater recharge at 48 sediment-coring locations vary substantially (-18.5鈥 1840 cm yr-1) in a 930-km2 area of southern New Jersey. Darcian estimates of steady, long-term recharge made at depth in the unsaturated zone were estimated using pedotransfer functions of soil ...
Spatial variability of ground-water recharge and its effect on shallow ground-water quality in southern New Jersey. Vadose Zone Journal 2, 677-691.Nolan BT, Baehrb AL, Kauffmanb LJ (2003) Spatial variability of groundwater recharge and its effect on shallow groundwater quality in southern New...
Geological Survey in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Delaware River Basin Commission, trend tests were conducted on selected water-quality characteristics measured at stations on streams in New Jersey during selected periods over water years 1971‒2011. ...
In 2000 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) encouraged states to integrate the 305(b) Water Quality Inventory Report and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters into a single Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. The five components of New Jersey's Integrated...
The New Jersey Private Well Testing Act became effective in September 2002. The law states “The PWTA is a consumer information law that requires sellers (or buyers) of a property with wells in NJ to test the untreated groundwater for a variety of water quality parameters, including 32 of ...
NewJersey(CHAP.2) DavidA.Cornwell,Ph.D.,P.E.EnvironmentalEngineering&Technology,Inc.,Newport News,Virginia(CHAP.16) MichaelCox,M.P.H.U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,Washington,D.C.(CHAP.2) JohnC.Crittenden,Ph.D.,P.E.,DEEDepartmentofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering, ...
Water-resources data for the 1999 water year for New Jersey are presented in three volumes, and consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage and contents of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground water. Volume 3 contains a summary ...
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has withdrawn proposed changes to the state's water quality regulations and says it plans to revise them, avoiding a battle with lawmakers who had expressed concerns with the proposal and sought to block it. The proposed rule would have ...
The assessment of the river water quality across space and time is a considerable public health concern and it is an important issue for the efficient management of our natural water resources. The state of New Jersey is mandated by the ... ML Serre,G Carter,E Money - 《Developments in W...