BLACKSTONE RIVER BASIN 1998 WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORTTherese BeaudoinBlackstone River Watershed CoordinatorDepartment of Environmental Protection Central Regional OfficeLAUREN A. LISSCOMMISSIONER
Fricano, PatWetland Solutions Inc., 2004, Alternative Plan Formulation and Evaluation: Water quality assessment report (Preliminary Draft, July 28, 2005), pp. 124.FDEP. 2006. Water Quality Assessment Report: Kissimmee River and Fisheating Creek. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, ...
Wisconsin 2006 Water Quality Assessment Report to CongressWt, P U BWisconsin Water Quality Assessment Report to Congress, 2006 (No. PUB WT 878 2007). (2006). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved from: ? ProjectID=1582...
At PWC, we care deeply about the quality of the water we provide for our customers, and we’re proud of the exceptional standards we maintain. Each year we publish a “Water Quality Report” with the results of testing we are required to perform. You can find full details of this repor...
(TDEC) has prepared a source water assessment program (SWAP) report for the untreated water sources serving this water system. The SWAP report assesses the susceptibility of untreated water sources to potential contamination. To ensure safe drinking water, all public water systems treat & ...
In 2000 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) encouraged states to integrate the 305(b) Water Quality Inventory Report and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters into a single Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. The five components of New Jersey's Integrated...
Water-quality assessment of the South Platte River Basin, Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming; analysis of available nutrient, suspended-sediment, and pesticid... Nutrient, suspended-sediment, and pesticide data from surface- and ground-water sites in the South Platte River Basin for water years 1980...
Michael T.Meyer,Elisabeth A.Scribner(Retired), inHandbook of Water Purity and Quality, 2009 The Quality of Our Nation’s Waters—Pesticides in the Nation’s Streams and Groundwater, 1992–2001 AUSGSNAWQA Program report (Gilliom and Hamilton, 2006;Gilliom et al., 2006) showed that pesticides...
Section 305(b) of the CWA requires states to report the status of waters and describe the programs in place to control pollution and restore water quality 01/06 Stream Assessment Status The number of stream miles assessed and the attainment/impairment status of each stream varies by protected us...
This 1992 Report is based on water quality assessments submitted by 57 states, territories, interstate jurisdictions, and an American Indian Tribe (hereafter collectively referred to as states). These State assessments describe water quality conditions during 1990-1991. Rivers, lakes, estuaries, wetlands...