The API gravity, viscosity, and SARA (saturates, aromatics, resins, asphaltenes) compositions of the utilized crude oils (obtained from a local oilfield) are shown in Table 1. Table 1. API gravity, viscosity and SARA compositions of the utilized crude oils. Empty CellLight crude oilHeavy ...
ENgetpremise Gets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control ENgetelseaction Gets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control ENgetruleid Gets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index ENgetrule Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control ENget...
Explore the Device Properties tab and the Device Dashboard tab.Note All tabs have been configured from Device template views.Add new devicesOn the Devices tab, select + New to add a new device. Use the suggested Device ID or enter your own. You can also enter a Device name for your new...
Water in confinement exhibits properties significantly different from bulk water due to frustration in the hydrogen-bond network induced by interactions with the substrate. Here, we combine infrared spectroscopy and many-body molecular dynamics simulations to probe the structure and dynamics of confined wa...
To understand how modeled dry season changes compare with observed changes, we analyzed outputs from the “historical” (1983-2014) runs of 34 coupled models participating in the 6th Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project75 (CMIP6, Supplementary Table 3). We used these models because they offered...
Full size table 5 Physical and structural characteristics of microplastics in the African water system MP particles have no unique characteristics, rather they are found in different physical, chemical, and structural properties. Depending on the virgin plastic sources, MPs have been found with differen...
Table 2 Vancomycin average removal rate and adsorption capacity of modified ash SD, modified mixed SD and powdered AC in 1.0 g and 2.0 g quantities Full size table The impact of the antibiotic concentration on the vancomycin removal from water is given in Fig. 7 in unmodified and modified for...
Abstract Figure/Table References Related Citation (2) Download: PDF (473 KB) HTML (1 KB) Export: BibTeX | EndNote (RIS) Abstract The main soil types and soil water physical properties of water conservation forest were studied in the paper, in Baipenzhu Reservoir of Guangdong Province....
Table 1 Properties of water and oil phases measured at atmospheric pressure and 20 °C. Full size table Two water holdup instruments equipped with a conductance probe were assembled in the horizontal and vertical sections of the test pipe to measure the cross-sectional average water holdup \(\...
Full size table In Europe, AEI decreased by 4.8 Mha overall (−13%), which is largely attributable to former centrally controlled irrigation infrastructure designed to serve very large irrigation schemes going out of operation and adverse economic conditions in Eastern European countries, for examp...