Furthermore, China should continue advocating through international human rights organizations, seeking advisory opinions while pursuing substantive accountability, and utilizing public opinion to condemn Japan’s significant disregard for human rights issues. Funding The field work for this paper was ...
In seeking to attain a breadth of understanding of potential innovation in WEF systems, the project team identified three innovations on which to focus: anaerobic digestion (AD); insects as a source of protein for humans and/or livestock; and the redistribution of surplus food. These three case...
such as the World Bank, the Ministry of economic affairs (national level), or other international funding agencies which give the money via local NGOs, and the district major are in this category. An example of a project supported by those donor agencies is the...
(EPA or NIEHS), and one was conducted by academic researchers with funding from the Chinese government. North Carolina’s PFOA guideline, the highest in the country, heavily references a risk assessment conducted by industry consultants [71]. However, the small number of PFAS guidelines prevents...
real-timesamplingstations.Thepartnersalsoattendedworkshopsand conferencesonLongIslandSoundissuestoidentifypartnersandfundingopportunities. Entitiesmostlikelytobeinterestedinwaterqualitymonitoringincludegovernmentenvironmentalagencies (suchasEPAandNOAA),stateenvironmentalagencies,policy-makersseekingtorestoreandprotectmarine ...
Urgent water and food security challenges, particularly in continental and boreal regions, need to be addressed by initiatives such as the Horizon 2020-funded project WATer retention and nutrient recycling in soils and streams for improved AGRIcultural production (WATERAGRI). A new methodological framewo...
Among the main topics of study associated with LCA are those focused on: the proposal of remediation methods, the application and development of technologies and the use of water resources by the urban community. This study allows establishing new trends in agricultural development issues about ...
It could also have been much more efficient for Laos in seeking to avoid potential project delays – as experienced in reality in relation to the various disputed dam designs and inadequate environmental impact and resettlement studies (see Part 2)– if they could have demonstrated full adherence ...
The project includes experts from Pemex, CFE and UNAM’s Institute of Geophysics.Schematic stratigraphy of the southern portion of the Basin of Mexico.Source: Adapted from Mooser, 1990.Initial exploratory wells have shown that the deep aquifer’s water quality is superior to that currently derived...
The public should think carefully before funding more intensive irrigation. Related articles Freshwater in NZ – Auditor General unimpressed by ‘forgiving’ Regional Councils(robynmmoore.com) Protecting Lake Taupo – the Restoration Project and Variation 5. Taupo farmers are the first in NZ to have...