Valve body marked with the direction of the water. Pressure adjustment knob (hex) in the roof, you can adjust the pressure of 0.1 ~ 0.8MP different according to their needs. Especially suitable for branch pipe vacuum system. About our company: ...
The screw and lock nut on top of this valve permit adjustment of the automatic water feeder valve pressure (it's normally set to 12 psi). The horizontal lever is a bypass that will send water through the valve on to the boiler at full building pressure (it's normally left "off" in ...
ModelPressure Reducing Valve Product Description Specifications: Size: 1/2" Material: brass Water pressure in 0.1-0.8MPa middle adjustment (using hex wrench). Features: Pressure reducing valve was use of full brass material, using piston-type structure, the internal ...
If a small adjustment to the pressure reducing valve does not produce the desired water pressure and flow rate in the building, it's not a good idea to set the control to the extremes of its adjustment range. These devices work best operating near the middle of their rated pressure and fl...
Pilot pressure relief valve, valves are designed to reduce the main valve opening pressure of work, widening the scope of the regulator, reducing pilot valve lateral runout, increasing pilot valve damping, to achieve the anti-cavitation and low noise. 其主阀体具有前端盖,主阀体内设有主阀座,主...
6) ratio pressure adjustment relief valve 比例压力溢流阀补充资料:溢流阀、顺序阀、减压阀的比较 溢流阀 减压阀 顺序阀 控制油路的特点 通过调整弹簧的压力控制进油路的压力,保证进口压力恒定,p2=0 通过调整弹簧的压力控制出油口的压力,保证出口压力p2稳定 直控式-通过调定调压弹簧的压力控制进油路压力;夜控...
Method of use of pressure reducing valve regulators 1).The work / recoil handle is rotated to adjust the working condition, the rotating pressure adjustment handle, you can adjust the water pressure. 2).Water level indicator tube to increase or decrease the water ...
outlet pressure P2 can act on the diaphragm of pilot valve 22 through the pipe and conflict with the adjustment spring of pilot valve. When the downstream pressure exceeds the pilot valve spring set value, the pilot valve will be closed, the wate...