摘要:水球图顾名思义是图表形状形似水球的一个图形,一般用来展示单个的百分比数据。 本文内容基于山海鲸可视化软件操作,您可先免费下载山海鲸可视化后再阅读本文。 1、水球图的简介 水球图顾名思义是图表形状形似水球的一个图形,一般用来展示单个的百分比数据。水球图在展示数据的时候,有动态的也有静态的,可以用于展示...
The water polo diagram is a type of conventional chart. It supports the custom SVG graphic display and applies to the display of single data. The series of texts or pictures can be customized to achieve special effects. This document introduces the meaning of each configuration item of the ...
There could exist two separate liquid phases, HDL and LDL, with a coexistence line in theP–Tdiagram deep in the supercooled regime and at elevated pressure7,19. This LLT line ends with decreasing pressure in an LLCP and its extension into the one-phase region corresponds to the Widom line...
polo politic poked poisoned poe pneumonia plumpness plump plumber plucked plodding plenary playwright playhouse playground plausible platonism platinum plasticity plaques planters pits pitiful pistols pirouette pirate pinned pilgrim piety pierced pier pictured picks pianist's phyfe phrasing phouma photographed ...
Dyomin, V.; Davydova, A.; Olshukov, A.; Polovtsev, I. Hardware Means for Monitoring Research of Plankton in the Habitat: Problems, State of the Art, and Prospects. In Proceedings of the OCEANS 2019-Marseille, Marseille, France, 17–20 June 2019; IEEE: Marseille, France, 2019; pp. ...
The diagram in Figure 17 displays the fluid pressure history on the three fluid-structure interfaces when the parameters of the connecting structures between hulls are altered, where the positions of p1, p2, and p3 are plotted in Figure 3. p1 and p2, respectively, denote the outer and inner...
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the oil–water–gas three-phase flow loop, which consisted of a power system, a metering system, and a mixing line. All the experiments were conducted using white mineral oil, distilled water, and air. Yellow dye was added to the oil to differentiate...
Figure 9. Sankey diagram for the plant energy balance in the case study 1 improved scenario (energy consumption unit of TJ/year). Figure 10. Sankey diagram for the plant energy balance in the case study 2 baseline scenario (energy consumption unit of TJ/year). Figure 11. Sankey diagram...
Figure 4. Network structure diagram of Mamba-C2f. Mamba-C2f consists of the Vision Mamba Encoder and the C2f, as shown in Figure 4. Mamba-C2f includes two parallel branches: the Vision Mamba Encoder and the C2f. After the two branches output their respective features, the features are...
Figure 6. Structural diagram of the fusion block, which includes a schematic diagram of the RepBlock. (a) represents the model structure used during training, and (b) represents the model structure used during inference [73]. Four gradient-path fusion blocks are utilized in the model, each...