Countries such as Norway, which lie downstream from Britain, receive significant doses of radioactive pollution from Sellafield. [19] The Norwegian government has repeatedly complained that Sellafield has increased radiation levels along its coast by 6–10 times. Both the Irish and Norwegian ...
waterscarcitychinaasiatimesyork 12/18/07 11:37 AM China - Water Scarcity - Environment - New York Times Page 1 of 7 http://.nytimes/2007/09/28/world/asia/28water.html?pagewanted=all A series of articles and multimedia examining China’s pollution crisis. This is the second in a series...
Welsh Water Is Prosecuted 18 Times for Pollution in Just Four YearsWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
1998 Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency initiates the first project in California using tertiary-treated recycled water to irrigate food crops eaten raw The reuse guidelines and regulations that existed in the 1960s and early 1970s, which addressed only non-potable reuse, reflected the ...
Indian interstate trade exacerbates nutrient pollution in food production hubs Shekhar Sharan Goyal Raviraj Dave Udit Bhatia Communications Earth & Environment (2024) Wheat redistribution in Huang-Huai-Hai, China, could reduce groundwater depletion and environmental footprints without compromising production...
most urban water systems were designed to treat and dispose of wastewater in a manner that minimizes surface water pollution and risks to public health. To achieve these goals, energy-intensive treatment processes that often dissipate energy and nutrients contained in wastewater are used1,2,3,4. ...
Furthermore, traditional industrial bases within the Yellow River Basin have actively pursued transforming and upgrading high-energy-consuming and high-pollution industries, such as coal and chemicals, while fostering the development of green energy and environmental protection industries, the expert noted....
Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions, transportation, and the transformation of land use caused by population growth is a critical problem tha
The water infiltration capacity decreases and the risk of soil erosion and groundwater pollution is aggravated due to repellency [5,6,7]. Therefore, many scholars have paid attention to it. Research has shown variations in water repellency degree with depth, with the repellency degree generally ...
For example, in a study of mercury pollution in New York City’s harbour, Cerreno et al., (2002) note that POTWs emit significant quantities of mercury pollution into the harbour. That pollution, however, does not originate in POTWs (POTWs can contribute to chemical interactions that ...