Pollutants in water bodies pose a severe threat to human health as well as aquatic ecosystem. There are numbers of water pollutant which has been categorized into inorganic pollutants, organic pollutants, pathogens, thermal pollution, and radioactive pollutants etc. In the current review an endeavor...
Enhanced alleviation of groundwater quality and human health have been observed since 2014, with initiation of acceletated constructions of sanitation infrastructures through Clean India (Swachh Bharat) Mission.However, the goal of completelyfaecal-pollution free, clean drinking wateris yet to be ...
taminants, their effects on human health, and approaches to mitigate pollution of freshwater resources. Emphasis is placed on chemical pol- lution, particularly on inorganic and organic micropollutants including toxic metals and metalloids as well as a large variety of synthetic or- ...
The most warning problem related to GW pollution is its adverse impact on human health in developing countries. Regular intake of toxic elements (heavy metals) accelerates chronic non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic diseases of humans (Tasneem et al. 2021; Ahmed et al. 2021; Mridul et al....
Japan has signed international treaties including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, which have strict rules on dumping waste into the sea. Hence, it should fulfill the requirements ...
The monitoring campaign took account of drinking water sources, human interference (e.g., pollution and agricultural irrigation), and seawater intrusion. All the 686 wells used for sampling were constructed according to China’s Regulation on Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction (DZ/T 0270–2014...
Water Pollution Overview Water pollutionis the contamination of water by an excess amount of a substance that can cause harm to human beings and/or the ecosystem. The level of water pollution depends on the abundance of the pollutant, the ecological impact of the pollutant, and the use of the...
However, when it is accelerated by human activity and water pollution (a phenomenon called cultural eutrophication), it can lead to the premature aging and death of a body of water. Solid waste 1 of 2 How to clean up Earth's oceansThe Ocean Cleanup wants to rid the world's oceans of ...
by various unwanted and undesirable substances termed as pollutants such as chemical compounds, pathogens, organic and inorganic substances, heat, trash, radioactive materials, etc., rendering the water unfit for consumption, as a result, it has a detrimental impact on human and environmental health...
Impact of human activities on coastal groundwater pollution in the Yang-Dai River plain, northern ChinaAgricultural activitiesCoastal aquiferFreshening processGroundwater hydrochemistrySalinizationOverexploitation of groundwater has resulted in seawater intrusion in many semiarid and arid coastal areas. This ...