The major causes of water pollution are sewage and other waste, industrial effluents, agricultural discharges and industrial wastes from chemical industries, fossils fuel plants and nuclear power plants. They create a larger problem of water pollution rendering water no longer fit for drinking, ...
Some of the common water pollutants are Industrial Effluents and Domestic Sewage, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Plankton blooms, Silt, Oils, etc. These cause immense harm to the water. When the causes of water pollution are tackled, we can reduce the effects of water pollution. There are some serio...
3. Environmental Pollution4. Soil Pollution5. Radioactive Pollution Summary In this article, we studied that humans, as well as natural activities, cause water pollution. There are various effects and causes of water pollution which can be controlled by taking preventive measures. FAQs We have ...
Ground water is being polluted by percolation of contaminated surface water through the layers of the earth. Release of raw sewage in unlined soak-pits and release of toxic effluents by the industries into surface water bodies, are the main causes of ground water pollution Indiscriminate...
Water Pollution Causes and Effects Water Pollution Water pollution occurs when energy and other materials are released into the water, contaminating the quality of it for other users. Causes of Water Pollution Sewagefrom domestic households, factories and commercial buildings Sewage that is treated in ...
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies by directly or indirectly discharging chemicals, pollutants and wastes without adequate treatment.
Another cause of water pollution is radiation from nuclear plant accidents and this is very dangerous to all forms of life. We can all work together to help to solve this problem. We need to change our old habits. For example, the government should pass laws to reduce chemical waste from ...
Understand what water pollution is and what it does to our environment. Discover the two types of water pollution and learn the unique differences...
Causes Effects Solutions Conclusion Introduction At present, it is universally acknowledged that water pollution is a crucial global problem. Water pollution is a kind of phenomenon that contaminants discharge into the water body such as lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater, and they are ...
Water pollution is when waste, chemicals(化学品), or other things cause a body of water to become harmful to the fish and animals that need the water to live on. 1 A lot of water pollution comes from human activities. Some human causes include pesticides(杀虫剂) and fertilizers(化肥) fro...