The relationship between polluted water and disease was firmly established with the cholera epidemic of1854 inLondon,England. Protection of public health, the original purpose of pollution control, continues to be the primary objective in many areas. However, preservation of water resources, protection...
6、water pollutionis wide spread 水污染蔓延很广 7、water pollutionsolution 水污染解决方案 8、water pollutionand pollutants 水污染和污染物 重点词汇 watern. 水;雨水;海水;海域 v. 给…浇水;供以水;加水稀释;流泪 pollutionn. 污染(作用);腐败;堕落;沾污...
“Water Pollution: Impact of Pollutants and New Promising Techniques in Purification Process.” Journal of Human Ecology 37 (2): 103–109.Ramandeep G. and Vinod K., (2012). Water pollution: Impact of pollutants and new promising techniques in...
一.Naturalpollution Duetothedissolutionofgeologicalatmosphericprecipitationleachingerosiononthegroundmixthevariouspollutantsintothewater 因地质的溶解作用降水对大气的淋洗、对地面的冲刷挟带各种污染物流入水体而形成 二.Man-madepollution 1.industrialwastewater工业废水2.Dailylifesewage生活污水3.Pesticideandfertilizer...
Define water pollution. water pollution synonyms, water pollution pronunciation, water pollution translation, English dictionary definition of water pollution. Contamination of rivers, lakes and seas by fertilizers, pesticides, sewage, and oil or toxic w
水污染的英语作文Water Pollution 1 Generally, the water pollution is a serious public hazard today. The worlds rivers are polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Ships contribute to the problem, because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and...
Water pollution is when waste, chemicals,or other things cause water to become harmful to the fish and animals. Water pollution can affect greatly nature's water cycle as well.Types of Water Pollutants. People pour the sewage directly into rivers in many areas around the world. Sewage can int...
水污染的英语作文Water Pollution 1 Generally, the water pollution is a serious public hazard today. The worlds rivers are polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Ships contribute to the problem, because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and...
Water Pollution水污染英语作文 篇1 Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas i‘amates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our scene was pretty. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot. With the...
WaterPollutionMadeby:TheSunWater_Pollution水污染英文WaterPollution introductionWaterpollutionisthecontaminationofwaterbodies(e.g.lakes,rivers,oceans,aquifersandgroundwater).Waterpollutionoccurswhenpollutantsaredischargeddirectlyorindirectlyintowaterbodieswithoutadequatetreatmenttoremoveharmfulcompounds.Waterpollutionisamajor...