Perrault G G.The Potential-pH Diagram of the Magnesium-Water System. Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry . 1974Perrault G G.The Potential-pH Diagram of the Magnesium-Water System. Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry . 1974...
Using methods and conventions described previously together with the available thermodynamic and electrochemical data, equations have been formulated and represented as a potential‐pH equilibrium diagram of the antimony‐water system for 25 °C. Other diagrams are presented for the domains of solubility,...
E-pH图 1. In this paper a E-pH diagram was drawn in accordance with ther modynamic calculation of the system of Co-H2O. 本文经过热力学计算,制作了Co-H2O系的E-pH图,据此分析了湿化学法从Co2+溶液中直接氧化合成Co3O4粉末的可行性,并选择了适宜的工艺条件,为后期的实验提供了理论根据。 2. In...
Schematic diagram illustrating three types of liquid hot water reactors: (a) cocurrent, (b) countercurrent, (c) flow through. (For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.) Briefly, in cocurrent pretreatment, the biomass and water are heated...
Groundwater electrical conductivity (EC), temperature (T), pH, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) were measured in situ using a multiparameter probe meter (In-Situ, SMARTROLL MP) with an inline flow cell under minimal atmospheric contact. Concentrations of major cations and trace elements wer...
地热水pH值介于7.30~8.12之间,TDS在224~382 mg/L之间,属于弱碱性淡水。 表2.研究区水化学组成 Table 2.Chemical composition of water in the study area | Show Table DownLoad:CSV 由水样Piper三线图(Piper, 1944)可知(图2),区内地热水中阳离子均以Ca2+占主导地位,其次含有一定量的Na+、Mg2+和K+离子,...
However, the vapor-to-ice transition can proceed in two ways, represented by the red and the blue curve in the phase diagram (Fig. 2). These curves are based on an improved version of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation 1. The red curve represents the ice saturation pressure Pice, and the ...
Parisi M, Candia O, Alvarez L (1980) Water permeability of the toad corneal epithelium: the effects of pH and amphotericin B. Pflugers Archiv: Eur J Physiol 383(2):131–136 Article CAS Google Scholar Patil RV, Saito I, Yang X, Wax MB (1997) Expression of aquaporins in the rat ocula...
In this study, the Piper diagram, Gibbs diagram, SSP and SAR have been used to identify the factors which influence the groundwater chemistry and water quality in the union of the Sagardari area. These processes provide an extensive view of groundwater quality conditions for the purpose of ...
The pH of xylem sap from well-watered plants is approximately 6.0 (see Chapter 5.1), whereas that of sap from water-stressed plants is approximately 7.0. This increase in xylem sap pH alone could constitute a root-sourced signal to the leaf, inducing stomatal closure and reducing the rate ...