water consumption per day 日用水量 per day 每日 per hatch per day 每日每舱口 water consumption 水的耗量,水耗量,水消耗,耗水量 steam consumption per hour 每小时汽耗 per capita consumption 每人消费量 per capita consumption expenditure 人均消费支出 per capita consumption quota 平均每人消费...
higher per capita water use, whereas areas of high rainfall experience lower water use. The average national value for water for water consumption in the United Stated in 1970 was 628 liters per capita per day (Lpcd). A similar study conducted in 1954 yielded a ...
1 Assessment of the volume of annual water yield from a facility of dimension 210 m in width and 100 m in height placed closest to large cities in water-stressed zones and the number of people it can serve to meet their entire need estimated at 300 liters (l) per capita per day. ...
Liter per capita per day mm/year: Millimeter per year MT: Million tons m3/ca/year: Cubic meter per capita per year m3/s: Cubic meter per second References https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324834274_fsl_ahtyajat_almyah_n_alamdadat_alwtnyt_rwy_wamkanat_llbldan_fy_hwd_nhr...
A vegetation and hydrology model Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land (LPJmL) was used to calculate green and blue water availability per capita, water requirements to produce a balanced diet representing a benchmark for hunger alleviation [3000 kilocalories per capita per day (1 kilocalorie = 4184 ...
Between 4,000 to 7,500 m3 are pumped each day from 13 functioning boreholes out of 19 using a mixture of solar, grid, and solar/diesel hybrid energy. Current domestic consumption averages 11 L per capita per day (lpcd) and the NRW is between 37 percent (Lodwar Water and Sanitation ...
How can we save water?Where there is air and water, there is life. It clearly tells us how important water is in our everyday life. As we all know, there are many countries in the world that are short of water, and China is one of the most serious.In such conditions, ...
gal/d (gallons per day) per capita. The amounts of fresh surface water, ground water, saline surface water, and total amounts of water withdrawn by categories of water use in New York during 2000 are shown in figure 1. Many of New York’s large population centers ...
International standards for basic water needs are usually in the range of 25–30 l per capita per day. It can be observed that most cities deliver households more water than the basic water need at the lowest price. Of course, also the household size is relevant for the desired sizing of...
1There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with you.2 When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.3 Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with ...