Water Painting Texture Pack Background (AI, EPS, PSD, PNG) Check out this collection of 20 water ripple effect Illustrator textures. The textures are fully editable, and you can use them individually or in combination! Did you like this water ripple Photoshop tutorial? Then you may al...
I then Added the water splash and 3D effect for a tutorial that I wrote in the magazine. Because this effect was so well received, I decided to make a quick Photoshop tutorial here at PhotoshopCAFE. This tutorial gets directly to the point and I show you exactly how I make my water sp...
We’ve been getting a lot of questions recently about how to achieve an underwater effect in your photo manipulations. This is definitely something that can be tricky, and look bad if done wrong. Today’s tutorial will show you how to photo manipulate a fantasy woman, floating in an under...
Place Underwater stock into your file. Add alayer maskand hide the bottom of the layer painting with a big size soft round brush. Place Gold Fish into your file. The best way toprecisely cut image in Photoshopis by using selection tools ; by far the best method is to trace the shape...
爱给网提供海量的Photoshop资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的10_画水身体的基础(10_Painting_the_base_for_a_body_of_water), 本站编号31872082, 该Photoshop素材大小为44m, 时长为10分 30秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Talk Normal, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。
Now open the image in Photoshop, create a new empty layer, select the Brush tool, then start painting the new layer black. This will give you a clean black background, but be careful when painting near the subjects (you don’t want to paint over them!). You can even paint away small...
In this Flash CS4 tutorial you will learn a advanced technique called perlinNoise to create a realistic water effect into any image. We will show how to create how to apply it in two different situations, one in a river and the other one in a waterfall u
Once you have completed your painting, you will find that the image looks nice and clean, but when you zoom in, perhaps it looks too clean on the areas which you have painted. The dust & scratches filter removes all noise, making the painted areas look artificially smoothed. So now, zoom...
Remember that all of these tools have lots of parameters that you can change to help you to achieve your desired effect. For more information, contact Bluewater Photo for one of our Lightroom / Photoshop classes:www.bluewaterphotostore.comor seewww.toddwinner.com. ...
This tutorial is a mixture of vector drawing, digital painting, filters, brushes and textures to obtain abook illustration effect. Actually there are just a few tutorials that creates that kind of effect. Create a Wallpaper Size PSD As I have mentioned in my previous tutorials, when I make ...