Water on the brain:Known medically as "hydrocephalus", this is an abnormal buildup ofcerebrospinal fluid(CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. The fluid is often under increased pressure and cancompressand damage the brain. Hydrocephalus can arise before birth or any time afterward. It may be ...
I decided it looked like the best one on the shelf and just what I wanted. Warning about water thought, I was hospitalized twice last summer because I have hydrocephalus which is low salt supply in my body. And I was drinking lots of water which was basically washi6away any salt I had...
Heartwater Disease In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert Also in subject area: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical ScienceDiscover other topics On this page Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications ...
The Louisiana boy died ofprimary amoebic meningoenchephalitis, an condition caused by a direct attack of a water-born microorganism on the brain. TheNaegleria ameobae that cause the conditioncan enter the brain through the nerves in the nose. Once in the brain, they feed on the brain's e...